The Second President of the United States Republic President Tuesday (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1 (1 1On the 23rd), it will be held in New Hampshire, but local voters receive an artificial intelligence robot (AI Robocall) who imitates President Biden Voice on weekends to call on Democrats to stay at home and not vote on Tuesday.

Comprehensive New York Times and Reuters reported that the Office of the General Attorney General of the New Hampshire said that the automatic fake voice telephone told voters that "it is important to leave a ticket in your hand until November ...Voting on Tuesday will only allow Republicans to elected Trump again. "

The Office of the General Attorney General of the New Hampshire issued a statement saying: "This information seems to attempts to illegally disrupt the primaries of the Republican Republican Party of New Hamplet and suppress the voters in Hampshire."State voters should completely ignore the content of this information.

Kathleen Sullivan, former Democratic Party Chairman of the New Hampshire, filed a complaint on the robot phone call.

Salavin said in a complaint that the person who received the AI ​​harassment phone saw the name of her husband at the caller display, and her personal mobile phone number, saying that the voters could call her,And require their numbers to remove from the call records.

Sarawin, who served as the financial director of a political committee, wrote in the complaint: "If this means is not punished, it will only become worse in the future."

Advance supervision supervision willRobert Weissman, chairman of the "Public Citizen", said: "The moment of politics has arrived, and policy makers must take protection measures as soon as possible, otherwise we will face the election chaos."

In some foreign elections, AI has been used to mislead voters, and legislators in the United States are busy to draft a bill to supervise the political content generated by AI.