UN Secretary -General Gutres Sunday (January 21) condemned Israel's death of "heartbreaking" in Gaza, which caused Palestinian civilians, and said that it was unacceptable to resist the founding of the Palestinian people.

Reuters reported that Gutres said at the opening ceremony of the "77th Country Group and China" summit held in Kanpara, the capital of Uganda: "Israel's military operations have caused large -scale destruction and killed civilians.The scale is unprecedented during my secretary -general. "

"This is heartbreaking and completely unacceptable. The Middle East is a gunpowder barrel. We must do our best to prevent conflicts in the entire area."

Gutres added that it is completely unacceptable to refuse to accept the solutions of Israel and Palestine.

He said that the foundation of the founding of the Palestinian people "will extend the conflict indefinitely, and this conflict has become the main threat of global peace and security."

Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu on Saturday (20th) refuted US President Biden's remarks on the establishment of Palestinian State after the Gasha War.

His office stated that during the talks with Biden on January 19, Neitahu "reiterated his policy, that is, after Hamas was destroyed, Israel must retain the security control of Gaza to ensure that to ensure thatGaza no longer pose a threat to Israel. "

The documents released after the summit condemned the "Israel's illegal military aggression against the Gaza Strip, the attack on the indifferent blue and red soap of the Palestinian civilians and civilian objects, forced the Palestinian people to escape from the home", and called for immediately and long -lasting humanitarian ceasefire.