(Kiev/Serburg Composite Electric) The European Union will greatly increase the shells of shells this year to meet the needs of Ukraine's military aid.

The EU's internal market commissioner Bretton, on Friday (January 19), visited Estonia that the European Union had the ability to produce at least 1.3 million artillery shells by the end of this year, and continued to increase production significantly next year.

He said: "We are at a critical moment when we implement European collective security. At the time of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Europe must and continue to support Ukraine."

Bretton said that by March or April, the EU's annual production capacity can reach 1 million shells."We will continue to increase production capacity. By the end of the year, we may reach 1.3 million to 14 million, and it will continue to increase significantly next year."

He emphasized that the EU must ensure that most of the shells produced are preferentially transported to Ukraine because of the urgent need of shells in the local area.

Macron: The defense industry must speed up entering the "War Economic Model"

French President Macron also urged weapons manufacturers to improve production and technological innovation.Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Macron has promoted the French defense industry to the "war economic model".

He inspected a naval base in northwestern France on Friday and said to the soldiers: "We must speed up the transformation that we have begun to meet Ukraine faster."

He pointed out that some weapon manufacturers do not seem to understand the importance of fast delivery, and "occasionally failed to deliver in the contract in the past and a half years."

Macron emphasized that Russia's victory in Ukraine means that European security will end.

Ukraine Thursday (18th) warned that the Ukraine was facing the problem of "very real and urgent" artillery.The European Union promised that as of earlier this year, 1 million shells were sent to Ukraine, but only 300,000 pieces were sent so far.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba posted a post on Social media on Friday, calling on the West to seriously curb the ability of Russia to produce weapons, because as many as 95%of the key components made in foreign manufacturing are derived from Western countries in the destroyed Russian weapons.Kiev often disassembles Russian missiles and drones falling in the territory to analyze the components.

EU discussions set up a new fund annual budget of 7.3 billion yuan

The EU's Foreign Action Agency proposed to the member states to set up a new fund to provide military assistance for Ukraine.According to the proposal documents seen by Bloomberg, the Foreign Action Department recommends the annual budget of 5 billion euros (about 7.3 billion yuan) of the New Fund, but the member states have not reached a consensus.

The EU is currently through the European Peace Fund. The cost of reimbursing member states to provide weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.Approval.Member states also have different opinions on the proportion of reimbursement.

A number of EU members, including Germany, believe that the functions of European Peace Fund are declining, because in the future, more of the UR military aid will no longer be taken from existing arms from various countries, but directly purchasing new weapons.