(Damascus / Beirut Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Eliminating Syrian capital Damascus on Saturday, causing at least 10 people to die, five of which are members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, including the intelligence director of the Guard in Syria.Iran strongly condemned the attack and showed "reserving the right to respond."The risk of overflowing in the conflict of Gaza has increased further.

The Syrian military issued a statement saying that Israel launched an air raid from the Syrian Galan heights occupied by Saturday (January 20), which caused multiple civilians and injuries. The target buildings were completely collapsed and the neighboring buildings were damaged.The Syrian Human Rights Observation Organization, headquartered in the UK, said the attack caused at least 10 people to die.

Syrian official media reported that a four -storey house of Damascus became the goal of "Israel's aggression", and the sound of explosion throughout the city of Damascus could be heard.The rescue team of the ambulance, the fire brigade and the Red Crescent Society rushed to the scene to fight for the survivors that might bury the ruins.

Sources from the Syrian government and an Iranian relationship said that the Iranian revolutionary guards have a military adviser office in the attacked residential building, where Iranian personnel meet at the time of the incident.

The Iranian Michar News Agency quoted the informed report that the intelligence director, deputy and two other revolutionary guards in Syria were killed in the attack.After the incident of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, four members were confirmed, and a statement was issued later on Saturday that one person was seriously injured.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense said the attack caused "some civilians" to die.Xinhua News Agency quoted the news that the building was attacked by at least four missiles.

According to witnesses, a Palestinian family lives on the bottom of the building. They are likely to be buried under the ruins because no one has seen them after the attack.

Israeli Air strikes the Syrian capital Damascus on January 20, resulting in a building completely collapsed and nearby buildings damage.(Reuters)

Syria has been in the civil war for more than ten years, and Israel has been bombarding the Syrian army resident site in Syria and the goals related to Iran.On October 7 last year, after the Palestinian armed organization Hamas attacked Israel by the Palestinian armed organization and caused a conflict in Harbin, Israel attacked the Iranian allies Syria and Lebanon more fiercely, in order to increase the blow to these Hamas supportersEstablishment.

Saturday's attack is the latest series of targeted assassinations recently.Earlier, Israel launched a missile attack on Damascus on December 25, and Iranian Guard Commander Muswi died in coordination with Syrian military cooperation; on January 2nd, in the Lebanon Albon Control Area, Hamas No. 2 figure Aruri was inIt is believed that it was a serial explosion planned by Israel; a few days later, Israel attacked the team in southern Lebanon, and the senior Commander Wizam was killed.

In response to the attack on Saturday, Iran criticized Israel's frequent infringement of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and refers to Israel's "aggressive and provocative attack upgrade".A spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Iran will retain the right to respond and respond "at appropriate time and place."