Immigration Minister Mark Miller said these measures aims to protect students from "bad actors" and ensure sustainable immigrants.

Canada said that the number of foreign students who will enter the country within two years will be restricted to the country's pressure on housing and medical care.

This limit will be reduced by 35%of Study Permit.

In 2022, there were more than 800,000 foreign students in Canada, and the number was 214,000 ten years ago.

Canadian officials said that the new measures are also to ensure the "perfectness" of the system.

Canadian immigration minister Marc Miller announced the restriction decision on Monday, saying that Canada's goal this year is to approve about 360,000 undergraduate studies.

All provinces and regions will allocate a part of the number of students and the current number of students entering the school.The provinces will then decide how to allocate these permits in their universities and colleges.

This restriction is only applicable to students who have taken diplomas (DIPLOMA) or undergraduate courses, and will not affect students who apply for postponed learning permits.

As part of the reform, starting in September, the Canadian government will no longer issue work permits to university graduates operating in the public -private cooperation model. This model is the most common in Ontario.

"Some private institutions use the advantages of international students to run school schools with insufficient resources, lack support for students and collect high tuition fees, but at the same time increase the number of students from international students, which is unacceptable." Miller saidEssence

He said that the new measures are "not for international students", but to ensure that future students get "high -quality education they register."

While announced these measures, the Trudeau government also faces increasing pressure and needs to solve the increasingly difficult housing market.

The current average house price of Canada is $ 750,000 ($ 550,000), and Canada's rent has risen by 22%over the past two years.

Some economists linked high housing prices with immigrants, saying that housing construction has not kept up with Canada's unprecedented population growth.

In 2022, the Canadian population has increased by more than 1 million for the first time in a year. This growth is mainly driven by new immigrants.Last year, the Canadian population reached a record of 40 million.

image source, toronto star via getty images


A group of international students in Canada and their supporters hold a slogan, calling on people to pay attention to several issues facing the group, including narrow and expensive housing, high tuition fees, employers' exploitation, and difficulty in obtaining permanent residence rights.

According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation estimation, by 2030, Canada will need to increase 3.5 million houses to restore people's burdens.

Although the population growth is part of the problem, experts also point out that other pressures that have caused the decline in real estate, including high interest rates, make people more difficult to afford rooms.

The interruption of the supply chain caused by the inflation and the new crown epidemic has also caused the cost of building materials.

This restrictions represent the major shift of Canadian policies.The country has always relied on open immigrants to fill the vacancy of jobs and solve the problem of rapid aging labor.

Miller has previously hinted that the number of Canadian acceptance of international students has caused some concerns of some Canadian universities.

For the announcement on Monday, the Canadian Society of Canada (Universities Canada), representing the national higher education institutions, said that the organization would not affect this restrictions that would not affect graduate students, but worried that it would "increase pressure to the already tense system".Essence

The organization also said that it was worried that some measures would prevent students from going to Canada and prompting them to turn to other places to learn.

Last week, President of McMaster University, located in Hamilton, the outskirts of Toronto, said that setting a limit would mean the "loss" of the school.

"If we lose international students, from the perspective of the learning environment, we will not be so wealthy." David Farrar said in an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

He added that because the university struggles in limited government funds and budgets, the tuition fees paid by international students can help offset the cost of some domestic students.

He said that restrictions on international students means that universities will have to reduce the number of domestic students.