Governor of Florida, USA De Santis announced that he would withdraw from the presidentCampaign, and announced that the former President Trump .

Reuters reported that 45 -year -old Desantis Sunday (January 21) released a video on the social media platform X, announcing his withdrawal from the presidential election.

This means that there is a chance to have the opportunity to make the final duel with Trump in the Republican Party, leaving only the former governor of South Carolina.Heili served as the United States representative in the United Nations during Trump.

De Santis said: "I am very clear now. Most Republican primary elected voters want to give Trump another chance."

De Santis said he decided to support Trump to run, because "we cannot return to the past Republican era", and pointed out that "Heili represented a re -packaging and supporting communityism"Old Republican"

Republican preliminary selection on the 23rd will be held on the 23rd.Polls show that the support rate of De Santis in New Hampshire is far behind Trump and Heili.

Heili, who was drawing in New Hampshire, said after learning that Desanis retired: "May the best female candidate win."

Due to the gentle position of voters in the New Hampshire, and independent voters can participate in voting, New Hampshire Republican chairman Ag believes that Heili is expected to defeat Trump.

However, there are different views.Smith, director of the Investigation Center of the University of New Hampshire, said that in New Hampshire, about two -thirds of De Santis supporters regarded Trump as their second choice.

On January 15th, the first Republican primary election in Aiova, Trump easily won with a 51%vote rate. De Santis's vote rate was 21%and Heili's vote rate was 19%.

Crownism is a collective political ideology that advocates that legal person groups such as agriculture, labor, military, commercial, scientific, and guided guilds organize society based on common interests.