(Bloomberg, Washington) North Korea's ballistic missile provided by Russia is about to receive actual combat tests on the Ukrainian battlefield for the first time.The defense of the missile system may not be easy.

A report by the US International Strategy Research Center (CSIS) shows that so far, the US Patriot Defense System is basically effective in fighting Russian missiles.For example, in June last year, Russia's 34 "Iskander" and "Kinzhal" missiles launched to Kiev were all shot down by the patriot's defense system.

North Korea's belief that Russia is believed to be KN-23 and KN-24 missiles. Such missiles can be quickly deployed, the flight timing is strong, and the target can be reliable with a certain accuracy, but the International Strategy and Research CenterXiehe, a researcher at the missile defense project, pointed out: "Given that the patriot's defense system can effectively fight the Russian" Eskander "missile, it should also intercept North Korea's short -range ballistic missiles."

Since 2019, North Korea has tested about 120 missiles. It is believed that its goal is to establish arsenal with thousands of missiles.According to data released by the Korean Institute of Defense in 2022, the manufacturing cost of North Korean missiles is about $ 5 million (about S $ 6.7 million), but as the output increases, the cost is expected to decline.

Selling missiles also provides missile performance related data for North Korea to earn foreign exchange

Selling missiles can earn urgent foreign exchange for North Korea, which can be hit by sanctions.However, North Korea's supply of missiles to Russia is not just for business reasons.The North Korean ballistic missile participating in the real world battle can provide North Korea with data about its performance, and assist the North Korea to improve its future missile design and attack strategy.The U.S. State Department said in a joint statement containing about 50 countries this month: "Russia's use of North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine will also provide precious technology and military information to North Korea."

North Korea's missiles transferred to Russia are 400 to 800 kilometers, which increases the Kremlin's weapons that can be used to attack Ukraine.At the end of last month, the Russian army increased its air strikes and launched hundreds of missiles to cities across Ukraine, causing dozens of people to die.According to US judgment, the Russian army may use North Korean missiles in air strikes.

The Russian army hopes to use North Korean missiles to consume the missile inventory of the Patriot defense system and other air defense systems in Ukraine, thereby increasing the success rate of the Russian air strikes.

In order to assist Ukraine against the Russian air strikes, NATO member states have promised to spend $ 5.5 billion this month, accelerate production and procurement of 1,000 Patriot missiles, and enhance Ukraine's air defense capabilities.

In October last year, when Germany promised to provide a patriot defense system to Ukraine, Ukrainian President Zelei Sky said: "Patriot defense system is the only system that can deal with all types of Russian missiles."See if this defensive system can also become the nemesis of North Korea's newer missiles.