(Dubai Power Power) and two Iranian sources said that the officers of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard and the Lebanese Real Estate were instructed and supervised the Hussean forces to attack the Red Sea Shipping.

The four Middle Eastern sources disclosed that Iran has always provided weapons, training and funding for Houthi forces. After the outbreak of the Gaza War, Iran has added weapon supply.

The Houthi armed forces have attacked a merchant ship related to Israel or the Parisian Palestinian in the Red Sea in November 2023 to support the Palestinians who support Gaza.Sources said that Tehran provided advanced drones, anti -ship cruise missiles, precisely hit ballistic missiles and medium -range missiles to Hussean.

In addition, the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards officer and consultant also provided specialized skills, data, and intelligence to help the Hussean armed for determining which of the dozens of ships that passed through the Red Sea every day.

Washington revealed last month that Iran was deeply involved in the Red Sea Shipping Plan. Its intelligence was essential for the Houthi armed target vessels.

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Nassel has denied many times at a weekly press conference to participate in the attack on the Huses in the Red Sea.The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard did not respond to reporters.Herhay armed spokesman Muhamad denied that Iran or Allah participated in the guidance of the Red Sea attack.

The Houthi Armed Forces is an organization rising in the 1980s, which opposes Saudi Arabia influence.The organization's recent attacks have affected the global shipping of Asia and Europe through the Manda Strait near Yemen, prompting the United States and Britain to launch an air strike on Hassas armed forces and open a new conflict battlefield outside the Gaza Strip.

An Iranian insider told reporters: "The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard has been helping the Houthi forces for military training (advanced weapons). Last month, a group of Hussenmen received training at the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Base in central Iran., Familiar with the use of new technologies and missiles. "

The source also said that Iranian officers have also traveled to Yemen and set up the Red Sea Attack Command Center in Sana, the capital of Yemen. The center is led by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards of Yemen.

Analysis: The Red Sea attack is in line with Iran's strategic Hussean capability non -independent action

Two analysts pointed out that the Red Sea attacks in Iran's strategy, that is, expand and mobilize the Shiite militia network in its area, and show that it threatens its ability to security at sea inside and outside the region.

Analysts believe that Tehran wants to show that if the Gaza War continues, Western countries may pay a heavy price.As the situation is upgraded, the Middle East may face catastrophic consequences.

Abdullazz, the director of the Persian Bay Research Center headquarters in Geneva, said: "The Hassas armed forces are not independent. Hussean armed personnel, professional knowledge and military capabilities are not advanced.Dozens of ships, the Houthi armed forces do not have enough means, resources, knowledge, or satellite information to find specific targets and launch an attack.

According to the two former Yemen army sources, Yemen obviously has the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard and Allah. They are responsible for monitoring military operations, training Hussean personnel, and re -assembling missile components.

Abdul Jani, a senior researcher at the Independent Think Tank and Sana Strategic Research Center, said: "Obviously, Iranians are helping Hassas to determine the goals and destinations. Hussean armed forces have no ability to do this."

A source who did not want to disclose the name and follow Iran said: "It is Tehran's political decision, the manager is the true party, and the location is the Hussen armed forces."