(Washington / San Francisco Comprehensive Electric) As Sino -US relations warn, US Treasury Secretary Yellen reiterates that the United States is willing to strengthen communication with China. U.S. President Biden is expected to meet with Chinese officials next week.Communication between the army.

According to the Financial Times, US officials revealed on Friday (November 10) that the leaders of China and the United States will discuss extensive topics, including the possibility of restarting military communication channels between the two countries.After China, Perosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, visited Taiwan last year, and closed the communication channel.

A U.S. official said: "President (Biden) is determined to take necessary measures to restore the core communication of the Sino -US military field." Biden will also expressed to Chinese officials that he "dangerous" and "provoking provocations to China in Taiwan in Taiwan will be officially expressed to China."Military activities worry, it is expected to discuss with Chinese officials to discuss the Russian and Ukraine War.

U.S. officials: Fierce competition requires fierce diplomacy to control the situation to prevent the development from becoming conflict

U.S. officials emphasize that the worship meeting does not mean that the United States changes the policy of China, but understands that China and the United States need effective communication channels.Officials said: "Fierce competition requires fierce diplomacy to control tensions to prevent competition from becoming conflict. Diplomacy is our way of eliminating misunderstandings, sending signals, communication, avoiding accidents, and explaining American competition measures."

Biden and Chinese officials will meet at the San Francisco Bay Area next Wednesday (15th) before attending the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit.This will be that they met again after meeting the Twenty Group (G20) summit in Bali last November.

Yellen and He Lifeng negotiated the United States and China to strengthen economic communication

On the other hand, the US Treasury Secretary Yellen and the Vice Premier of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council on Friday held a two -day talks in San Francisco and said at a press conference that they agreed to strengthen communication on economic issues.

Yellen pointed out that she and He Lifeng conducted a "frankness, direct and effective discussion". It is believed that this talk has allowed Sino -US relations to be in a more solid foundation to take a step forward, which will also help lay the foundation for the meeting of Xi.

Yellen once again emphasized that the United States has no intention of deciring economy in China, but hopes to provide a fair competitive environment for American companies and workers.Yellen said: "Development is harmful to the United States and China, and it will also make the world unstable. But healthy economic relations need to be treated fairly by American workers and companies."

Yellen warns China not to provide supplies to Russia China: Sino -US cooperation is based on equal and mutual respect

Yellen also reminds He Lifeng that China should ban Chinese companies providing materials to Russia.She said that the evidence held by the US Treasury shows that despite the face of Western sanctions, Chinese companies and banks may still be in Russia in The equipment used in the Russia and Ukraine War provides assistance.She warns that if these companies do this, they will face serious consequences.

Liao Yan, deputy financial minister of China, introduced He Lifeng at the blower of San Francisco on Friday and pointed out that China and the United States have reached three consensus: First, agree to strengthen communication, seek consensus, control differences, and avoid misunderstanding and cause friction upgrade.The second is to emphasize that China and the United States do not seek for the "decoupling" of the economy; the third is to agree to deal with common challenges, including economic growth, financial stability and supervision.

Liao Yan said that the mutual benefit and cooperation between China and the United States is strong, strong, and broad in space, but the premise is equality and mutual respect.He showed that he hoped that China and the United States would do your best and take practical actions to create necessary conditions for maintaining and developing economic relations between the two countries.

Yellen has accepted the invitation of He Lifeng and will visit China again next year to carry out "regular contact" of Sino -US economic officials.