The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit (APEC) this week at San Francisco, USAA foreign media encountered a robbery while reporting on the spot.

The San Francisco Chronicle of North California reported that on the afternoon of Sunday (November 12), when an interview team of the Czech Public Television was recording near the well -known city light bookstore in the Bay Area, some equipment and equipment were robbedWalk.

The San Francisco Police Department confirmed that at nearly 5 pm on the day of the investigation, the production team was held by an weapon. The incident location was located in Broadway and Columbus Avenue.

Police said that a car parked on the street, and three men carrying firearms got out of the car and approached the group of personnel. They ordered them to hand over the equipment. The victims only obeyed.After he succeeded, the robber got on the car and escaped.

Although the police did not confirm that the victim was a reporter, the Czech TV reporter Bohumil Vostal said he was one of the robbery.

The San Francisco Bay Area TV station often sends armed guards to protect them when reporting on -site reports, and accompanying photographers as security precautions.