The White House on Thursday (November 9) said that Israel agrees to implement four hours of "pause" (PAUSE) in the northern part of Gaza, so that local civilians will evacuate.

Reuters said that the White House showed that Israel was a step in the correct direction.

Reuters quoted the White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said that suspending operations were the result of discussions between US and Israeli officials in recent days, including talks between the two heads of state."Suspension will allow people to get out of danger, transport humanitarian assistance materials, and can be used as a way to save hostages."

Kobe said: "Israel told us that during the suspension period, there will be no military operations in these areas, and this process starts from today." Israel will announce it three hours before the suspension.

Cerby pointed out that the United States believes that Israel has made "important first steps. Obviously, we hope to see that as long as you need it, these steps can continue."

He also said that the ceasefire between Israeli and Hamas militants did not meet the regulations, because this would help Hamas, "making them legalize on October 7, andWe will not support this approach at all. "