(New Delhi Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky and US Defense Minister Austin held a "two Canadian two" talks with the Indian Foreign Minister and the Defense Minister on Friday (November 10).In the face of geopolitical challenges, it expands the strategic partnership of the United States and India.

Indian Defense Ministers Singe said that India and the United States are close to reaching an agreement and produced by New Delhi State -owned India Aviation Industry Corporation that was originally provided by the United States General Electric for India's "TEJAS Light" fighter.

Singh said that defense is still one of the most important pillars in India and the United States.Although there are various new geopolitical challenges, the two countries need to continue to pay attention to important and long -term issues.

Blinger mentioned the cooperation between the United States and India in the fields of semiconductors, advanced biotechnology, clean energy, space exploration, education and other fields in the opening speech.At the same time, expand an inclusive economic opportunity.

Brintken reiterated that the United States is committed to promoting a freely open, prosperous, safe, and tough India-Pacific region, "including Quartet security dialogue (QUAD) mechanism to strengthen our partnership with Japan and Australia."Quad is regarded as a mechanism to fight against China's rise.

According to anonymous India officials, the United States hopes that India will increase the existence of diplomatic and military in the Indo -Pacific region to share some burdens in Washington.

Indian Foreign Minister Su Jesheng said that when India and the United States constructed the common global agenda, India also created a forward -looking partnership, referring to Indian Prime Minister Modi Visit the United States in June this year created the" new chapter "of India-US relations.

The United States and India, the two countries that were in the opposite side of the Cold War, are now reaching a milestone agreement, including the United States supplying and manufacturing engines for India fighters, supplying MQ-9 "predators" drones, and as wellCooperation in semiconductor manufacturing.

Joint Statement: Support humanitarian ceasefire

Austin emphasized at the meeting: "Faced with urgent global challenges, the two largest democratic countries in the world exchanged opinions, found common goals, and provided services to our people, which is more important than ever."

For , the two countries issued a joint statement after the meeting after the meeting.It is called to immediately release all hostages, support humanitarian ceasefire, and hopes to seek political solutions with regional partners through diplomatic efforts to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East.