The Israeli Army said on Monday (November 6) that it was attacking the goal of the Shito Organization of the Shiite of Lebanese to respond to a large number of rockets in the northern Cities in Israel.

Reuters reported that Israeli chief military spokesman Hagari told the media that the Israeli fighter aircraft is attacking a wide range of targets. Whenever Israel is attacked, Israeli will continue to carry out "major attack".

According to Agence France -Presse, the Palestinian radical organization Hamas fired 16 rockets from Lebanon to northern Israel Monday, with the goal of the south of the coastal city of Israel.

The Hamas armed faction Kasani said that the attack was "in order to respond to the massacre of the occupation forces (Israel) and the aggression against the people of Gaza."

On the same day, the Yemenhasu armed forces supported by Iran issued a statement through the TV channel Al Masirah that the Houthi armed forces launched a new round of drone attack to the sensitive targets of Israel.

Statement stated that the goal of drones was "wide and sensitive" and caused the operation of the target base and the airport for several hours.