(Istanbul Composite Electric) After Israel launched a military attack on the Gaza Strip, the relationship with Turkey with NATO member states turned sharply.President Erdogan severely condemned Israel to announce the recall of the Turkish ambassador.

Turkey is a defensive fortress on the edge of the Middle East, and the population is the vast majority of Muslims.It has been frozen for 10 years with soil relations. The two countries only agreed with the ambassador last year and were discussing a natural gas pipeline project supported by the United States.

But after Israel retaliated Hamas's raid earlier this month, Erdogan continued to attack Israel's attack on Gasha, and the relationship between the two countries announced on Saturday.

The Rightsmate and Development Party led by Erdogan held a large -scale rally in Istanbul on Saturday (October 28).Erdogan said in the rally: "Israel, you are occupants."

He accused the Israeli government's behavior like "war criminals" and tried to "eliminate" the Palestinians."Of course, each country has the right to self -defense, but where is the justice of this incident? Without justice, only the vicious slaughter that is being in Gaza."

After Erdogan's speech, Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen immediately announced that all diplomats in Turkey were recalled.In the statement, Cohen said: "Given the serious remarks issued by Turkey, I have ordered the diplomats there to return to China so that they can re -evaluate soil relationships."

The Evil ground forces on Sunday (October 29) chase Hamas's target on the beach in northern Gaza.Israel said to kill the Hamas gunner there.(Israeli National Defense Force)

In fact, as a security prevention measure, Israel has ordered diplomats to leave Turkey and several other regional countries earlier this month.

Turkish diplomatic sources said all Israeli diplomats have left on October 19.The source said, "It is difficult to understand who instructed Cohen to return home."

In addition, Erdogan announced earlier week that due to Israel's "inhumane" war, he canceled his plan to visit Israel.

Turkey has fallen to a low point in 2010.At that time, Israel attacked a Turkish ship who transported assistance materials to Gaza, causing 10 civilians to die.

Erdogan has been the main international supporter of Palestine's rights and interests in Turkey.He said at a rally on Saturday that Israel is the "chess piece" of the Western powers in the Middle East with the purpose of using them to consolidate their authority in the Middle East.

Erdogan claimed: "The culprit behind the Gaza Massacre is the West." He also accused Israel's allies to create a "Crusaders' atmosphere" that allows Christians to oppose it with Muslims.

Erdogan called on the relevant parties to talk, saying that "no one would suffer losses due to fairness and peace."

After the Army launching ground operations on Gaza, the Gaza civilian who was trapped for many days was desperate.On Sundays, some civilians broke into the United Nations rescue supplier supply center and moved basic survival materials such as flour.The United Nations was worried that the local order had begun to collapse.(Agence France -Presse)

With Israel's expansion of ground attacks on Hamas, the United Nations warning will lead to more civilian death.Analysts believe that the country and the world are now facing the most dangerous moment in the half -century, and Israel's ground attacks may involve the entire Middle East in conflict.

The University of Bayland, the University of Bayland, studied with the Baza conflict expert Link Holde pointed out that for Israel, if the Lebanese Master Party upgrades the battle between the two countries to a comprehensive war, Israel will also suffer seriously.Death and injury.

The security expert of the Royal Institute of the British Think Tank Royal Military Institute (Rusi) said that Israel has not done its best to prevent the emergence of the new battlefield."This conflict has the risk of expanding. From the statement of senior Israeli officials, it can be seen that Israel puts retaliation on everything."