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Illustration/EDGAR SU

The Kremlin refuted speculation about Putin's health on Tuesday, saying he was healthy.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov also denied the president's use of a stand -in in a routine call with reporters, saying it was a "ridiculous scam."The reporters asked Pesov in Putin's health.Earlier, a Telegram channel released a report without source saying that Putin had serious health problems on Sunday evening.The report was reprinted by some Western media.Putin is a judo enthusiast. On October 7, he was 71 years old.He maintained a dense meeting and publicly displayed schedule, many of which were live broadcast.His recent trip includes visiting China last week and stayed in two cities in Russia during the return journey.In an interview in 2020, Putin denied rumors about his long -term use of stand -in, but he said the reason for security and had the opportunity to use a stand -in in the past.Peskov also said that the Russian economy has adapted to the sanctions of the West for many years, so he is not worried about more such measures."Russia has lived under the sanctions system for a long time. For decades, we have fully adapted, so this time span in five to 10 years cannot scare us."

Exclusive: The U.S. military in the Middle East has strengthened its alert and worried that Iran supports organizations to launch more attacks

U.S. Central Command Commander Curira (left) Tu Reuters/Jehad Shelbak US officials told Reuters that with the increasing concern of launching attacks on Iran's support, the U.S. military is taking new measures to protect their troops in the Middle East.And may evacuate the family members of the garrison when necessary.Unknown officials said that related measures include increasing US military patrols, restricting entering base facilities, and strengthening intelligence collection, including through drones and other surveillance operations.These officials said that the U.S. military is still strengthening the monitoring of US military facilities from the guard tower, improving the safety of the base entrance and exit, and increasing the operations of possible drones, rockets and missile attacks.The above new garrison protection measures have never been reported before.The commander of the United States Central Command and the Army General Michael "Erik" Kurilla) said in a statement to Reuters: "With the increase in the number of attacks and attempts against the US military resident, we continue to evaluate our troops protection measures toCurry, responsible for supervising the U.S. military in the Middle East, said that the measures that have taken troops have been taken, and the deployment of US military assets to the region has been added to the area in recent days.An unnamed US military official did not specifically explain that the family members may evacuate.The family members of the U.S. military were placed in the Middle East, including Barin, and Barin was the station of the Fifth U.S. Navy Fleet.The official said to Reuters: "We will continue to evaluate. If we think that threats have risen to the degree of threatening to the family members of the (region), we will act with caution."