U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that he will cooperate with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to prevent The war between Israel and Palestine's radicals Hamas overflow.

Reuters reports that Brinken said on Tuesday (October 24) to attend the UN Security Council meeting that he looked forward to cooperating with Wang Yi to achieve this goal.

The White House spokesman Jean-Pierre announced on the same day that Brinken and the White House national security adviser Sha Liven will meet with Wang Yi in Washington on Friday (27th).

Wang Yi Monday (23rd) It is emphasized that all countries have the right to self -defense, but they should abide by international humanitarian law and protect civilian security.The priority is to prevent further upgrading of the situation and avoid more serious humanitarian disasters.

Bloomberg analysis believes that Wang Yi's above -mentioned remarks or Beijing first recognized that Israel has the right to take action against Hamas.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Monday that the member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will from From the 26th, I will visit Washington for three days. .Wang Yi's visit to the United States will be the highest -level diplomatic officials in China who have visited the United States since March 2021.

Wall Street Journal quoted a person familiar with the matter on Monday that Wang Yi would go to Washington this week to pave the way for Chinese officials and US President Biden or in San Francisco.