(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Energy Minister Kart stated that Israel will not delay the ground offensive that may launch on the Gaza Strip due to hostages.The Army continued to bomb Gaza on Tuesday (October 24), and said it was ready to enter the next stage of the war.

Catz said in an interview published by the German picture newspaper on Tuesday that Israel will do everything possible to make the hostage held by the Palestinian radicals Hamas, but emphasize that this "cannot hinder our actions, including ground offensive, if weIf you decide to do this, ".

He said: "Hamas wants us to focus on rescue the hostages, so that the Israeli Army should not enter Gaza and destroy their infrastructure. This is impossible."

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli National Defense Army Harlevi stated on the same day: "We must completely disintegrate Hamas. We have fully prepared to launch ground operations in the south."

Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu met with the visiting French President Macron on Tuesday that the battle between Israel and Hamas may be a long war, but after the war, no one will live in Hamas in Hamas.Under the tyranny.

At a press conference jointly held by the two, Neutanahu emphasized that they must defeat Hamas and describe this battle between the "evil axis" and "free world".He once again warned the Lebanon Shizhu not to join the war to avoid suffering from terrible consequences.

Macron promised France to side by side with Israel

Macron promised that France would be side by side with Israel.He said that terrorism is a common enemy of France and Israel, and proposes to crack down on the international alliance of Islamic State and list Hamas as the target of strike.He said: "France has prepared for the fighting of the IIII international coalition for the Iraqi Organization International forces."

Macron warned that the Harbin conflict has expanded into the risk of regional conflicts, and emphasized that the war against Hamas must be "relentless but no rules."He said that the Palestinians have the right to establish their own country and call on restarting the Palestinian peace process.

The Junjun said on Tuesday that they hit more than 400 Hamas targets that hit the Gaza Strip overnight, including Hamas's tunnels used to penetrate Israel from the sea, Hamas's command center in the mosque, etc., and killed the threeDozens of Hamas members, including deputy commanders.

Hamas's representative of Lebanon Osama Hamdan held a press conference on Tuesday, calling on Arabic and Islamic countries and the United Nations to bear morality and political responsibilities to stop Israel's ground offensive against Saudi.

He also urged the Arab country to terminate the normalization process of the relationship with Israel, and called on the open humanitarian transit point so that fuel, assistance and rubble removal equipment can enter Gaza.

Reuters quoted two sources that although the United States publicly stated that Israel had the right to defend themselves, when the Pentagon and the State Council talked privately, they all called on Israel to act carefully.It is reported that the United States hopes to fight for more time to solve the hostages.

The Bayeng government is worried about the lack of military goals for Israel

The New York Times also quoted senior US officials. The Bayeng government was worried that Israel lacks a military goal in Gaza, and has not been ready to launch an ground offensive on Gaza with a feasible plan.

U.S. officials said that Israel must make some decisions, for example, to eliminate Hamas through targeted attacks by air strikes combined with special combat forces, or send tanks and infantry into Gaza.Both of them can cause serious casualties, but for the army and civilians, ground operations may be more bloody.

U.S. officials said that the United States still supports the ground offensive on Gaza and did not tell Israel what should be done.However, the US Department of Defense has sent officers to Israel to assist the Israeli army in response to the challenges of the city war.

The Ministry of Health of Gaza said on Tuesday that since the outbreak of the conflict, 5,791 Palestinians have died in the Israeli bombing operation, of which 2360 people have been children; 704 people have died in the past 24 hours.

Turk, a senior commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights Affairs, called on the conflict to stop the fire in Gaza immediately, but the possibility of ceasefire in the short term seems to be unlikely.US President Biden said on Monday: "We should let the hostages be released first, and then talk about (ceasefire)." U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said that the ceasefire would give Hamas a "rest, rectification and preparation for continuing to launch terror against Israel.The ability to attack ".

When Bayeng called on the phone together on the week, he welcomed Hamas's release of two hostages and reiterated that he would continue to fight for the rest of the hostages home.He emphasized that it is necessary to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to residents of Gaza.

Hamas took at least 222 hostages in Israel's attack on the 7th of this month, and only four were released to this day.

The UN Security Council held a meeting on Tuesday with Harbin conflict, and the UN General Assembly will discuss the conflict on Thursday.