(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli ground forces launched a limited attack on Gaza on Monday morning, while continuing to launch a violent bombing of the Gaza Strip.The Israeli Defense Director said that the upcoming ground offensive may last for several months, and it is said that this will be Gaza's last war, because Hamas will no longer exist after the war.

The Israeli military spokesman Hagari Monday (October 23) said at a press conference that the Israeli tank and infantry went to the Gaza Strip in the early morning of the day.terrorist.He said: "These attacks are also designed to determine the location of the disappearance and hostage, and search for any relevant information we can get."

Hamas Armed factions Kasan Brigade said on Sunday that an armored force of Israel penetrated the East Khanis East of Khanis in the southern part of Gaza and fired with Hamas soldiers.Hamas destroyed the two Emperor Twita and a tank, and forced the penetration forces to retreat.

On Monday, the goal of their air strikes is mainly where the Hamas molecule assembled. In the past 24 hours, more than 320 targets have been hit, including a tunnel where the Hamas warrior is located, dozens of command stations where the Hamas soldier is located.Wheels, mortars and anti -tank missile launch positions.According to Palestinian media reports, the Israeli fighter bombed near the three hospitals near the Sand Strip in the early morning of Monday morning, but it was not clear whether the hospital was damaged.

Hagari said that Israeli is constantly strengthening the state of combat reserve.This further stimulated the expectations of the outside world about the upcoming army of the Israeli army.

Israeli Defense Secretary Garrant told the troops who were going to participate in the Gaza ground offensive: "This will take one, two, and three months, and finally Hamas will no longer exist."

He said: "Before Hamas contacts our tanks and infantry, they will see the power of our Air Force shells." He also said that Israeli fighters "know how to be accurate, efficient and fatal."

The video released on Sunday shows that the Iron Sting system launched a mortar shell to destroy a rocket launcher in Hamas. This is the first time that the iron thorn system has been put into actual combat.

According to reports, this system uses precise laser and global positioning system (GPS) to guide mortar and ammunition, which can combat targets in dense urban environments, while reducing the possibility of attachment damage and prevent non -combatant injury.At that time, the Israeli Defense Minister Gandz said in 2021 that the iron thorn system would completely change the ground war.

Several leaders in Europe and the United States show that supporting Israel's exercise of self -defense

The international community is stepping up to alleviate the conflict of Yizha.U.S. President Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, French President Macron, German Prime Minister Tsold, Italian Prime Minister Meloni and British Prime Minister Sonak held a video conference on Sunday to show that they supported Israel to exercise self -defense, while urging it to abide by the InternationalHumanitarian law and protection of civilians.

They called on Hamas to release all hostages immediately and promised to maintain close diplomatic coordination to prevent conflict from spread.They also welcomed Gaza's first batch of humanitarian rescue supplies, and at the same time, they will continue to cooperate with regional partners to ensure that Gaza residents continue to obtain humanitarian assistance.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ashtier pointed out on Monday that a statement such as Western countries is Israel's "killing permit", giving it a political cover that kills and large -scale destruction in Gaza.

Reuters quoted news reports that the third truck team carried humanitarian rescue materials on Monday passed the Egyptian Lafa port to the Gaza Strip through the Egyptian Pharma Port.It is reported that the EU leaders intend to call for the "humanitarian fire" at all parties of the conflict at this week's summit.

Israeli bombing has killed more than 5,000 residents of Gaza.Hamas's attack on Israel died more than 1,400 people, and at least 222 people were hostages.

The New York Times quoted several U.S. officials that the Bayeng government has suggested that Israel postponed the ground offensive of Gasha to rescue the hostage of the hostages, and at the same time allow more humanitarian assistance to enter Gasha.

It is reported that the United States also hopes to have more time to prepare to deal with the potential attacks on the benefit of the United States in the Middle East.However, a diplomat at the Israeli Embassy in Washington denied reported that "the United States did not put pressure on Israel for ground operations."