(California Road Power Power) The Chief of the Five Eye Alliance Intelligence has rarely gathered a public accusing China of theft of intellectual property rights and using artificial intelligence to conduct hacking and espionage activities against various countries.

Five -eye alliance is an intelligence sharing alliance consisting of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.After the five -nation intelligence officials met on Tuesday (October 17), they issued a joint statement after meeting with private companies in Silicon Valley in the United States.

Christeve Lei, director of the FBI (FBI), said that the joint statement of "unprecedented" was issued in response to China's "unprecedented threat" for global innovation.

Five -eye alliance officials said that from quantum technology, robotics, biotechnology to artificial intelligence, the secrets of various fields are the objects of Chinese stolen.

Christopher Lei said: "China has long been distributed to the net, combined with network invasion, human intelligence operations, seemingly harmless corporate investment and transactions to combat corporate goals ... Every line of this network has changed.It is getting more and more mad and dangerous. "

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, responded that China is committed to protecting intellectual property rights.He said in a statement to Reuters: "We firmly oppose the accusations and discreditation of China's unprecedented basis, hoping that the relevant parties will treat China's development objectively and fairly."

Alliance members condemned Chinese theft for the first time

The United States has always accused China of theft of intellectual property rights, but this is the first time that members of the Five Eye Alliance condemned theft in China.

The Director -General of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization (ASIO) said: "The Chinese government is conducting the most long -lasting, largest, and most complicated intellectual and professional knowledge theft in human history."

He pointed out that China has innovated for its own national interests, "it is nothing and is completely appropriate."

Last month, the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization shattered a Chinese spy case, exposing Beijing to send a scholar to a well -known research institution in Australia to steal secrets.Bergis said: "Such things happen every day in Australia, and there are the same experience in the countries present."

In May this year, the Five -Eyes Alliance issued a joint statement claiming that a hacker organization that was officially supported by China launched an attack on key infrastructure in the United States.The Chinese government refuted accusations and responded that this was the "collective fake information action" adopted by the Five Eye Alliance.

Christopher Lei said that the scale of China's hacking plans exceeds the sum of other major powers. In addition, the export of spy staff and the stolen commercial secrets from private enterprises and research institutions, China has achieved great efforts to improve.He said that China has a multi -pronged approach and uses all the above methods at the same time, and the scale has never been seen before, which has a great challenge to various countries.

Five -eye alliance officials call on the business and academic circles to help fight the threat of theft from China, especially artificial intelligence tools."We are worried that artificial intelligence will become a amplifier of various types of improper behavior."

He said that the number of individual and corporate data stolen by China accounted for the number one in the world, and artificial intelligence may be further expanding China's theft ability.