(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive) The United States is about to introduce new measures to prevent China from obtaining highly advanced semiconductor technology. In the updated export regulations, it will restrict the sales of chips designed for the Chinese market.

The update of the China Semiconductor Export Control Rules released on Tuesday (17th) expanded the scope of the ban, including the chip (chip in China) with low performance produced by Nvidia and other manufacturers.Enter China.

A senior US official said that Nvidia's A800 and H800 chips will be included in this tightening new regulations.These two semiconductors were developed for exports to China after the preliminary restrictions on the Bayeng government issued preliminary restrictions in October last year.

Bloomberg reported earlier that the new regulations also required enterprises to notify the US government before the sales of sales below the control threshold.Officials say that top chips are the best choice for driving artificial intelligence models, and the slightly inferior chip can also be used for artificial intelligence and super computing, therefore constitutes national security risks.

The official also said that the United States hopes to monitor the so -called gray zone activities, but refuses to disclose specific parameters that will be affected by which chips will be affected.

New measures are designed to prevent artificial intelligence from being used in Chinese military development

The US Minister of Commerce Raymond said that the new measures are designed to block loopholes and prevent China from using artificial intelligence for military development, and it may be updated once a year.

She said that the purpose of the new regulations is to limit China to obtain "advanced semiconductors, these semiconductor can promote artificial intelligence and breakthroughs in complicated computers that are vital to Chinese military applications."But she also emphasized that the Bayeng government did not intend to hurt Beijing economy.

After the

Washington statement was released, China said "strong dissatisfaction" and "resolutely opposed" the restrictions.

The Ministry of Commerce of China said in a statement: "The United States continues to generalize the concept of national security, abuses export control measures, and implements unilateral bullying. The semiconductor industry is highly globalized., Materials and parts of the company's normal economic and trade exchanges, seriously threatening the stable supply chain of the global industrial chain. "