(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden said that it would be a "big mistake" to make Israel occupy Gaza again.After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, Biden publicly stated that Israel was calm and restrained, showing that the Biden government tried to prevent the conflict from further upgrading.

In an interview with the "60 -minute" program broadcast on Sunday (October 15), the United States Broadcasting Corporation (CBS), Biden was asked if the United States supported Israel to occupy Gasha, and he answered "I think this would be a oneBig error. "

Biden did not clearly stated in the interview whether he agreed to the Israeli army to enter Gasha, but he supported Israel to eliminate Hamas.Biden emphasized that Hamas "does not represent all Palestinians" and "necessary" infiltration into Gaza to remove these extremists.However, he also pointed out that there should be a path that allows Palestine to establish a country, and the United States supports the Pakistani problem through the "two countries".

Analysis believes that the United States has firmly supported Israel's positions that have not changed, but they are worried that there will be a large -scale humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, which puts the United States on the pressure of public opinion.

Biden also said in an interview that the United States would not send troops to intervene in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.He pointed out that Israel has one of the best combat forces, and the United States promises to provide all the need for Israel to provide all the need for support, and there is no need to send American ground forces there.

Biden admits that the turbulence in the Middle East has intensified, and the terrorist threats faced by the United States have also risen, but he also shows that the United States can deal with the war between Israel and Ukraine and still maintain "international defense".

Biden is considering visiting Israel in the next few days.Insiders revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu invited, but Biden has not decided to go.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills has been busy shuttle between six Arab countries in the past few days, and returned to Israel to convey the Arab country leaders on Monday afternoon.Many countries are closely launched diplomatic mediation, hoping to avoid a wider conflict.

Sunday, Palestine President Abbas once again stated in a call with Venezuelan President Madro that the Palestinian Liberation Organization was "the only legal representative of the Palestinian people."Hamas's actions and policies do not represent the Palestinian people.

Abbas reiterated that he opposed Hamas and Israel to kill civilians, and called on both sides to release civilians, prisoners and detainees.

UN promoting Hamas to release all hostages

After Israel increased military operations, Gaza's humanitarian crisis deteriorated.UN Secretary -General Gutres warned on Sunday that Gaza's hydropower and other necessities are exhausted, and the Middle East is now "on the edge of the abyss."

He called on Hamas to release all hostages unconditionally, and Israel must allow humanitarian supplies to enter Gasha quickly and uninterruptedly.

UNRWA said that Israel's attack on Gasha is "unprecedented human disaster."In the past eight days, no drop of water, a wheat or one liter of fuel was allowed to enter the Gaza Strip.

It is reported on Sunday that Egypt, Israel, and the United States agreed to stop fire in the south of Gaza on Monday morning local time, and re -open the southern Gaza transit channel Rafah.However, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that the Israeli government has not adopted a position that allows Egypt to open up.

It is reported that the rescue truck organized by the Egyptian non-governmental organization has gathered in Al-Rash, cities, and wait for the official to issue a license order to immediately drive to Lafa.

Israeli said that 600,000 people have left northern Gaza.However, some Palestinians who went to the south said that they were attacked wherever they were, so they were ready to return to the northern region.