U.S. President Biden believes that Haras, Palestine's radical organization must be completely eliminated, but also "must open a way for the founding of Palestine."

Bayeng's 60 -minute interview with the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) show on Sunday (October 15) said that Hamas must be completely eliminated, but Hamas does not mean all the Palestinian people.

He believes that "Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip will be a mistake again."

Bynden said in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) on Sunday morning: "Thousands of Palestinian people have nothing to do with brutal terrorist organizations. These Palestinians occupy the vast majority of the pop -ups of Gasha. They should enjoy dignity.They should be safe and guaranteed. "

Before the interview with Biden, a number of senior US officials warned Harbin conflict is in danger of upgrading.The White House National Security Counselor Sarawan called for the protection of the innocent civilians of the Gaza Strip.