U.S. senior official warning, Israel and Palestine Age-Agent Organization HahaThe war between Mas may be upgraded and overflowing. The United States has dispatched more warships to the Middle East, and the northern part of Israel is adjacent to conflict on the Lebanon border is also intensified.

Reuters reported that the US White House National Security Consultant Sha Liwen Sunday (October 15) was interviewed by the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) and said: "This conflict is risky.After the second front, Of course, Iran's intervention .P>

Shalvin also talked about providing new weapons to Israel and Ukraine, saying that the value of the new supporting facilities will be "significantly higher than" the previously reported $ 2 billion (approximately $ 2.7 billion).He told CBS that President Biden plans to conduct intensive consultations with Congress this week.Republicans of the United States House of Representatives are in trouble with Different opinion .

Senate's leader of the Senate, Schummer, said in a visit to Traviv on the 15th that the Senate may first approve more funds to Israel, "we will not sit waiting for the House of Representatives."

In addition, US Secretary of Defense Austin announced on the evening of the 14th that he sent the "Eisenhower" aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East.State actors' attempts to upgrade this war. "

Eisenhower's aircraft carrier battle group will meet with the Ford's carrier battle group."REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> I arrived in the East China Sea earlier last week.

At the same time, US Navy officials confirmed on the 13th that the "Karl Vinson" aircraft carrier has left the North Island Naval Air Station in California on the 12th and will be deployed to the Indo -Pacific area.

A U.S. official who mastered the military report said Iran said "elephant in the room". He said: "Our combat groups are equipped with warships and fighters.Conflict. "