知情者预计美国将在本周宣布更多Artificial intelligence (AI) chip export restrictions to prevent US chip manufacturers from avoiding government restrictions on Chinese export measures.

Reuters Sunday (October 15) quoted a U.S. officials that the new rules will join the United States' restrictions on China's export of advanced chips and chip manufacturing equipment last October.Other people familiar with the matter expected that the export restrictions of the updated version will be released this week, although such timetables are often postponed.

The United States is preparing to tighten the export technology products of China while seeking thawing relations between the two countries.In recent months, many senior officials of the Bayeng government have successively met with China. The latest round of chip export restriction measures may complicate US -China diplomacy.

U.S. officials quoted by the report said that chips for consumer products such as laptops and computers will not be included in new restrictions.

The US Department of Commerce, responsible for supervising export control, refused to comment on Reuters reports.