(Dubai Composite Electric) Iran warned that Israel launched the ground attack on Gazha to upgrade the conflict, and other parties in the Middle East have been prepared to take action.The United States and its allies are stepping up their efforts to prevent other countries in the Middle East from being involved in the war.

Iranian Labor News Society website reported on Sunday (October 15) that Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan warned: "If Jewish recurring national aggression will not stop, all parties in the Middle East will move the trigger." Abdullahiyan said that there may be a new resistance front in the Middle East. Any responsibility for upgrading the current war will fall directly on the United States and Israel.He also said that if the scope of war expands, the United States will also suffer major losses.

The Peninsula TV quoted Abdullahyan on Sunday that Iran has told Jerusalem through Israel's allies. If the army does not stop the military operations of Gasha, Iran will not ignore it.

Israeli Prime Minister Negatanhu said on Sunday to destroy Hamas.At the same time, the Junjun Sunday continued to prepare for the ground offensive of Gazha, and it would be a big offense to make a "political decision" after the government made "political decisions".

The United States is also warning on the same day that the risk of upgrading with Harbin conflict is increasing.

Salavin: Iran involved in the war through the Lebanon Real Party

The White House National Security Counselor Sunda Sunday was interviewed by the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS) on Sunday: "This conflict is risk of upgrading, (Israel) has appeared in the north of the north."Or the possibility of intervention in the Lebanon Armed Organization of the Lebanon Armed Organization.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that the war fire is concentrated in the region of Gasha and the southern part of Israel. The United States has asked Qatar to inform the Lord of the Lord not to open the second battlefield.

In the past few days, senior officials such as the United States and other countries have been mediation in the Middle East. All parties worry that the panic of the fire spreading outward is obvious.

Bloomberg reports that a person familiar with the situation who understands the Persian Gulf area revealed that the Middle East governments are cooperating to try to prevent the spread of conflicts.Another insider who understands diplomatic negotiations said Kuwait was very worried about Iran's involvement in it.

The Israeli Army said on Monday that a plan has been launched to evacuate 28 residents of 28 villages within 2 kilometers of the Lebanon border.According to Israeli media reports, one of the villages SHTULA was attacked by the Lebanon Real Party on Sunday.

Neutanahu has previously warned the Lebanese Master Party to open a second front in the Harbin conflict, otherwise it will "destroy Lebanon."