(Moscow / Tokyo Reuters) The Russian government announced that Russia has joined the ranks of China and implemented import ban on Japanese aquatic products.

The Russian animals and plant quarantine supervision bureau said on Monday (October 16) that these restrictions are preventive. Before Russia obtains complete information to prove the safety of Japanese aquatic products, the official will implement these restrictions on these restrictions.Essence

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Aquatic Products in Japan responded on the same day, saying that Russia's import restrictions order "there is no scientific basis, which is unfair and regrettable" and calls on Russia to revoke the relevant ban.

It is understood that most of Russia's aquatic products are captured in the Far East waters closer to Japan.In addition, the official data of Russia showed that from January to September this year, Russia imported 118 metric tons of fish and seafood from Japan.Therefore, Russia, like China and South Korea, is one of the largest exporters of Japanese aquatic products.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan issued a statement before the Russia announced the implementation of the ban saying that after conducting online dialogue with Russia on October 10, Japan had provided supplementary information to the Russian side before Sunday (15th), including explaining JapanMethods to detect radioactive substances contained in aquatic products.

Statement said: "Japan will continue to provide Russia with scientific evidence -based interpretation in a highly transparent way while receiving the review of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)."

On August 24th, the Tokyo Electric Power Corporation of Japan officially launched the first round of Fukushima's first nuclear power plant nuclear treatment of water -rowing operation. Beijing made a strong response to this and announced that it was comprehensively suspended on the same day as a aquatic product of Japan.


IAEA Marine Environment Lab will visit Japan from October 16th to 23rd to check the Fukushima Haihai operations. Independent third -party laboratories in Canada, China and South Korea will participate in this year's monitoring.