(Baghdad / Beirut Composite Electric) Israeli army may launch an ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, and Iran warns that this move may promote the "axis country" to open up a new front on Israel.Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan called on the United States to manage Israel to avoid risk of war overflowing.

Abdullahiyan said on Thursday (October 12) in the Iraqi capital Baghdad and Iraqi Prime Minister Sudanni that if Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian and the Gasha Strip continued, "Other axis will do"A response".He did not specifically explain the meaning of the axis country.

Reuters reports that Iran's so -called "resistance" includes Iran, Palestinian armed organizations, Syrian, Lebanon Allah and other factions.

Iran: It is a serious error to destroy Gaza for Israel to destroy Israel

Abdullahiyang said in a diplomatic statement: "Officials from some countries contact us and asked the possibility of opening up a new front in the region ... We told them that we have clearly answered in the future.Everything depends on the actions of the Jewish regime. "

The Israeli government announced on October 9 that the Gaza Strip was fully blocked, allowing this land to break the water and break the food, and recruited 300,000 reserve soldiers within 48 hours.

Although Iran insists that he has never participated in the attack of Hamas's Audit Organization in Palestine, the US government is worried that if the Lebanese Albon supported by Iran is also officially involved in the Harbin conflict, the northern border between Israel and Lebanon may appear in the northern border may appear.Two front lines.

Abdullahiyan then went to Berut, the capital of Lebanon, met with representatives of armed organizations such as Allah and Hamas.He later issued a statement saying: "The United States wants to give Israel an opportunity to destroy Gasha, which is a serious mistake. If Americans want to prevent regional wars, they must control Israel."

Highly tension with the situation in Libian: Take action when the time is ripe

Since last Sunday (8th), in addition to the Hamas target of the Gaza Strip, Israel has also launched artillery attacks on southern Lebanon, which has caused high tensions on the situation on the Li border, but has not yet risen to a comprehensive confrontation.

A Western diplomat in Berut said that as of now, the offensive and defense of the two armies on the border is limited, and it has always obeyed the "tacit warfare rules".However, if Israel dispatched ground forces against the Gaza Strip, or a fuscoon such as civilian death on both sides of Libian, "the situation is indeed risk of deterioration."

Casim, deputy secretary -general of the Allah, shows: "It has been fully prepared and will take any action when the timing is mature."

Ali, deputy director of the Carnegie Middle East Center, pointed out that whether the Allah expands the war against Israel, or whether the Israeli army launch an ground offensive against the Saudi Sands.He believes that because the Allah and Hamas are both members of the "resistance of the axis", they will attack one of the members of the league, which will promote other members to make intervention. The Allah may be forced to participate in the Harbin conflict.

The Middle East issue expert of the Washington Strategy and International Issues Research Center, Nurgiqian, believes that Lebanon is currently trapped in an unprecedented economic crisis and has no ability to deal with any overflow effects. In particularDifferentiated ".