A cross -party group appointed by the United States Congress issued a report saying that the United States must prepare for the simultaneous planning of conventional forces, strengthening alliances, and strengthening the modernization of nuclear weapons to prepare for war that may occur with Russia and China.

Reuters reports that on the occasion of the US Congress's Strategic Situation Committee on Thursday (October 12), the report on the United States and China in Taiwan and other issues, and the friction that occurred with Russia's invasion of Ukraine continueddeterioration.

Madelyn Creedon, chairman of the Strategic Situation Committee of the Democratic Party and Jon Kyl, vice chairman of the Republican Party, said in the report: "We understand the reality of the budget, but we also believe in the countryYou must invest in this area. "

Creiden is the vice chairman of the US regulatory agency, and Kyle is a former Republican senator.

Kyle said at a press conference on the report that President Biden and Congress must "explain to the American people". Increasing national defense expenses is a possible nuclear war involving the United States, China, and Russia.The cost is a small price.

A senior official who participated in the work of the Congress Strategic Situation Committee refused to disclose whether the committee's intelligence briefing shows that China and Russia have any cooperation in nuclear weapons.

The official who asked not to be named said, "We are worried ... China and Russia may finally coordinate some ways, which will cause us to fall into the situation of two wars."

The analysis of the Congress Strategic Situation Committee will subvert the current national security strategy of the United States -to win in one conflict, and at the same time deterine the conflict -and require the increase in huge defense expenses with the support of the uncertain Congress.

The report of this strategic situation is in sharp contrast to Biden's position.Biden believes that the current nuclear arsenal of the United States is enough to deter Russia and China.

The Strategic Situation Committee said: "The United States and allies must be prepared to deter and defeat the two opponents at the same time." They also said: "The international order of the United States and the values maintained by the United States are facing a dictatorship from China and Russia.Threat. "