(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Hamas launched an attack on Israel to break the deadlock of the Gaza Strip, but as Israel was determined to eliminate this extremist organization, analysts believe that Hamas may make a fatal mistake.

George Giacaman, a professor at the west bank of the Jordan River, pointed out that after Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in 2007, the severe humanitarian situation kept the pressure from Hamas to the Palestinian people."People have become anger for Israel to become angry with the government, and then become dissatisfied with Hamas."

Hamas won the parliamentary election in 2006, but was furious for being prevented by the power of exercise. The following year, the loyal supporters of Palestinian President Abbas were driven out of the Gaza Strip to seize the control of Gaza.Israel immediately strictly blocked Garha and its 2.4 million population.In 2018, after mediation by Egypt, Qatar, and the United Nations, Hamas and Israel reached a long -term ceasefire agreement to stabilize the situation of the Saudi Strip.

Although Hamas fought with Israel in 2021, it did not participate in the battle between Israel and Gasha Muslims in May this year. Hamas was accused of choosing a sleeve to watch in order to exchange for Israel to relax economic blockade.

Jakman said that Hamas could do nothing about the worsening living conditions of the Gaza Strip. This is one of the reasons for its terrorist attack on Israel to shift the focus.

The provocative upgrade of Israel's polar right -wing elements in the Ax Mosque is also the fuse of the terrorist attack."Hamas said what happened to the Aksa Mosque as an opportunity to launch an attack. This mosque is a symbol of religion and national significance for the Palestinians, and it should never be underestimated." The International Crisis Organization for the Brussels Think Tank pointed out that Hamas could not foresee that Israel would make a significant response, and Israel's strong counterattack "may further destroy Gasha and cause terrible casualties for long -term suffering residents, or it may mean hahaMas ended in Gaza's rule. "