German Prime Minister Tsumin announced that Samidoun, organized by supporting Palestinian radicals, has also shown that Iran has a responsibility to allow Hamas to develop and attack Israel.

Complex Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Tonalz made the above statement during the parliament on Thursday (October 12).In his speech, he said: "Although there is no clear evidence that Iran has supported (Hamas's) this coward -style attack on the operation, we all know that if there is no Iranian support, Hamas will never be possibleLaipan this unprecedented attack. "

Souls added that it is foreseeable that the suffering of the Gaza Strip's civilians may further deepen, "and" this is also caused by Hamas and its attack on Israel. "

He announced in his speech that Germany will ban all activities for Hamas and provide other support activities in China, and will prohibit support for international activities Samidun.It is reported that Samidon claims to support Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons, but Germany officially claims that the organization preach hatred and calls for destroying Israel.

After the new round of conflicts broke out on Saturday (7th) last Saturday (7th), Berlin, Germany, had supported Hamas's street activities against the attack.Tsubitz also condemned domestic anti -Semitism and anti -Israeli activities on Thursday.

He also told Parliament that the government will suspend all development assistance to Palestine until the review is completed.Souls said that the standard for review is "whether these projects and how to serve regional peace and Israel are the best". Before the review, Germany will not provide any new development cooperation resources.

Shuerz also said that the current focus is to work hard to avoid further upgrading of regional violence.He also warned that the HEZBOLLAH in the neighbor of Israel (Hezbollah) in Lebanon in Lebanon not should not adventure to attack Israel.

In addition, Souls claims that he has kept close contact with Egyptian President Cecil, and will talk to Turkish President Erdogan on Thursday.Leaders can play an important role in ease (Isaibal). "