(Jerusalem / Gasha Composite Electric) Israeli Army's pressure, and inform the United Nations on Thursday (October 12), about 1.1 million Barstan people in Gasha should be migrated to the south within 24 hours, which may be that the army may launch the ground on the ground.The precursor of offensive.The United Nations, the United States, and the United Kingdom have pointed out that such large -scale personnel transfer will cause devastating humanity.

Israeli: major actions in Kasha City in the next few days

It is reported that the Israeli military said on Friday (13th) that major actions will be launched in Gaza, the largest city of Gaza Strip in the next few days, calling on the residents of Gaza City to transfer to the south and keep a distance from Hamas members.The Israeli military said that the residents would issue a notice when they allowed residents to return to Gaza.

The United Nations said that on Thursday night (Eastern Time) received a notice from the Israeli military, the Israeli Army had ordered 1.1 million Gaza civilians to migrate to the south within 24 hours.But the United Nations said it was an "impossible task" called Israel to reverse decisions.

UN spokesman Dugrik issued a statement saying: "The United Nations strongly calls on Israel to revoke such orders. This is already a tragedy that cannot make it a greater disaster."

The White House National Security Council spokesman Cerby said that so many people have "arduous tasks" in such a short period of time.The U.S. government understands that the purpose of the Israeli military is to isolate civilians from Hamas, but the United States does not want to see that civilians will be harmed.He said that the United States is discussing with Israel and Egypt, and setting And Human Corridor .

The Israeli military admits that the Palestinian people need time to withdraw from the south late Friday, but did not confirm the UN state, that is, these civilians must leave within 24 hours.

A French National France -Presse reporter in Gaza said that the Israeli Army put the leaflet on Gaosha on Friday to warn residents to "immediately" to escape to the south.Hamas calls on the residents of the Gaza Strip By slaughtering the people and further occupy the Land of the Palestinians.

A France-France-France-France-France-France-France-based reporter in Gaza showed that the Emperor ’s Jun Jun was launched on Friday air to attach the fugitive line to the fugitive, and the Gaza civilians“ immediately ”fled to the south.(Agence France -Presse)

Gasha has so far more than 420,000 displacement Israel to fully block and cut off hydropower supply

Israel has almost continued from sea, land and air to Gaza in the past few days.From the night of October 12th to the early morning of the 13th local time, the Israeli army launched an air strike on about 750 targets of the Gaza Strip Hamas and other organizations, including tunnels, military courtyards, residential and weapon warehouses used as senior members' military command centers, and weapons warehouses., Correspondent, and 12 buildings with Hamas assets.

According to the data released by the Coordination Office of the United Nations Humanity Affairs, more than 420,000 people have been displaced by Gaza. In the past 24 hours, people who have lost their homes have increased by 25%.Israel has blocked Gaza, cutting off the local hydropower supply, and greatly exacerbated the humanitarian crisis there.

The United Nations Rebeling and Engineering Office near Eastern Palestinian refugees said that in the face of the almost uninterrupted shelling of the army, the central operation center and international staff have been relocated to the southern part of Gasha.(Reuters)

It is reported that in the fierce conflict in the past few days, more than 1,500 Palestinians have died, and Israel is said to have 1,300 people.In order to support the Israeli action, the Israeli government visited the U.S. Secretary of State Brosky and the NATO Minister showcase children and civilians who were killed by Hamas .

Brinken said that the photos they saw include babies full of bullet marks, beheaded soldiers, and young people who were burned to death in the car.He described these pictures beyond understanding and said that this is the latest evidence of Hamas's inhuman.

Brinken visited many countries in the Middle East on Friday. He met with King Abdullast, Jordan, and Palestinian President Abbas, and then visited Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt.Mas released hostages in exchange for the suspension of the offensive of the army.

US Secretary of State Brosky (left) meets with Palestine President Abbas on Friday in the Jordan's capital Amman, trying to mediate or mediate the Harbin conflict.(Reuters)

U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin met on Friday and met with the Prime Minister Neihuahu on Friday.The Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin and the European Parliament Speaker Mecuora also visited Israel on Friday, hoping to mediate or mediate the conflict.

British warship reconnaissance aircraft to the Mediterranean is tirit to deploy the second aircraft carrier in the United States

The United States has previously deployed Ford aircraft carriers in the eastern Mediterranean.The White House said that it may deploy the second carrier Eisenhower near Israel.The British Prime Minister's House also announced that it will deploy patrols and reconnaissance aircraft, as well as two naval ships to the East Mediterranean to show support for Israel.