(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israel vowed to completely eradicate Hamas, and warned that unless Hamas released all Israelic hostages, the siege Gagoshabi will not receive humanity assistance.The North Atlantic Convention Organization called on Hamas to let go immediately, and at the same time urged Israel's attack on Hamas should be "moderate."

Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu on Wednesday (October 11) and the leader of the opposition national united party Gandz announced the establishment of an emergency government to respond to the state of war.After he passed a national speech, he compared Hamas and the ISIS of the international terrorist organization, and vowed to shatter and destroy Hamas.He said: "Every Hamas member will be a dead person."

NATO on Thursday (12th) issued a statement, which strongly condemned Hamas's attack on Israel.The statement said: "Allies have given support to Israel and show that Israel has the right to moderate self -defense for these unreasonable terrorist attacks."

NATO member states call on Hamas to release all hostages immediately, while doing their best to protect civilians.The statement also warned: "No country or organization should try to use the current situation or upgrade the situation."

U.S. Secretary of State Brosakin visited Israel on Thursday and conveyed the United States' firm support again.He told Neiahhu: "You may have enough power to defend himself alone, but as long as you have the United States, you never have to do this."

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky (left) visited Israel on Thursday to meet Israel's Prime Minister Neyahu, and the two held joint press conferences later.(Agence France -Presse)

Brintken also said: "Anyone who wants peace and justice must condemn Hamas's horror. We know that Hamas does not represent the Palestinians or the Palestinians should be safe, freedom, freedom, freedom,Reasonable desire for justice and dignity. "

He revealed that at least 25 U.S. citizens were killed in this conflict, and the United States was also working with Israel to save people.

According to the Israeli military, Hamas attacked at least 97 people when attacking southern Israel on September, but it did not eliminate whether they were all Israeli or life or death.Another report said that Hamas held at least 150 hostages in his hands, and the details were unknown.

Bringscan will be transferred to Jordan on Friday (13th) to meet with King Abdullah II of Jordan and Palestine President Abbas.This trip is also aimed at preventing the expansion of the Pakistani conflict.

In addition to fighting in the south in the south, Israel has also recently shot each other with the Lebanon Allap Wald in the northern border with Iran.The Syrian media also reported that the Israeli army attacked the Syrian capital Damascus and the main airports in the northern city of Alpad.

Israel bombarded the Gaza Strip on Thursday for the fifth consecutive day. The many days of artillery has caused at least 1,417 Palestinians to die, and at least 6268 people were injured.

The Gaza Strip was completely blocked by Israel and cut off the water and electricity supply. The trapped Palestinians were worrying.

Israeli uses a self-propelled howitzer artillery to fight the sand zone on Thursday in southern Israel.(Agence France -Presse)

Israeli Energy Minister Caritz said on April that before Hamas released all Israelic hostages, Gaza would not get human rescue."Before the Israelites go home, the electric gate will not open, the faucet will not open, and there will be no oil transportation cars."

Israel has mobilized 300,000 preparatory soldiers, but the military said that it has not decided whether to launch an ground offensive to Gaza, but "prepare."

Other countries are also in staggered to avoid upgrading by Pakistani conflict.Among them, Turkish President Erdogan has negotiated with Hamas to fight for hostages.

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed said on Wednesday with Iranian President Laich, saying that Riyadh is communicating with all international and regional partners to try to prevent the situation from upgrading the situation.Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyang started a regional visit on Thursday and will visit Iraq and Lebanon to discuss the situation in Baza.

Zhai Yan, a special envoy of the Chinese government in the Middle East issue, talks with officials in Egypt, Palestine and Israeli officials.Zhai Yan said on Thursday and the deputy chief director of the Asia -Pacific affairs, Har Paz, who said that China said that China has deeply concerned about the intensive tension and violence upgrades of Isaipa, and called for a stop of fire as soon as possible to stop the violence as soon as possible.Recovery for peace talks based on the foundation.

Russian President Putin also called for negotiations in Isaa, emphasizing that the conflict must be avoided, otherwise it will have an impact on the international situation.He blame the conflict on the failure of the US foreign policy.