Agence France -Presse reported that US Secretary of State Brosaka flew to Turvev, Israel on Thursday (October 12). It is expected that he will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Natanhahu and discuss the situation in Pakistan.

Brinken flew to Israel on Wednesday (11th).Reuters earlier reported that Brins will meet with senior leaders of Israel and convey "information about unity and support" to Israel.Support.

The State Department of the United States said that after the end of the Israeli itinerary, Blintin will go to Jordan.Agence France -Presse quoted U.S. officials reported that Brintken will meet with King Abdullah II of Jordan on Friday (13th) in the capital of Jordan and Palestinian President Abbas.

A new round of conflicts broke out on Saturday (7th) last Saturday (7th).As of Singapore time at 3 pm on Thursday time, Reuters quoted data with Pakistani that at least 1,300 people had died in Pakistan, and 1,200 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip.