(Washington Composite Electric) Bloomberg analyzed that Russia will benefit from the conflict between Israel and Palestine's radical organization.Israel requested the United States to provide military assistance, which may transfer the US supply and attention to Ukraine's weapons.

It is reported that although the Kremlin was worried about the upgrade of the Baza conflict, it also clearly realized that this can at least disperse the United States and Europe to Russia and Ukraine War .Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said at a press conference on Monday (October 9) that if the United States focuses on the situation in Israel to slow down the supply of Kiev, then Russian President Putin will "realize it faster to achieve it faster."The goal of launching special military operations to Ukraine.

The U.S. and NATO allies faded the Pakistani conflict would affect the concerns of Ukrainian military assistance.A senior official of the US Department of Defense said the United States will continue to provide a lot of support for Ukraine and ensure that they have the ability to deal with other crises.

At present, the demand for military aid in Israel and Ukraine does not overlap much. Israel seeks iron dome defense system missiles, precision missiles and artillery shells. The main demand of Ukraine is ammunition, missile defense system and ground vehicles.Israel has also reserved relatively sufficient weapons for many years.

However, if the army is generally expected to launch a ground offensive against the Gaza Strip, the weapon supply may become nervous.Mark Cannan, a consultant of the Center for Strategy and International Research, said: "By then, they will start using a large number of precise ammunition ... they may not have enough inventory to support long -term operations."

Kansuan said that as Ukraine seeks the goals such as Russia's military bases outside the front line, the Ukraine also needs more precise ammunition. "The problem is that we cannot create more in a short time."This may cause the United States to slowly deliver weapons to Ukraine.

Bronwen Maddox, CEO of Chartham Research Institute, believes: "If you have to choose between Israel and Ukraine, the United States will choose Israel without hesitation. I can understand the Ukrainian President ZelleisWhy is the foundation worried, and he has been working hard to maintain the United States before. "

The impact of Pakistan's conflict on oil prices may also help Russia's war on Ukraine.As the market is concerned about Iran, Saudi Arabia and other major Middle East oil -producing countries may be involved in conflict, US crude oil futures rose to more than $ 87 per barrel.

Ann Marie Dailey, a policy researcher at the United States Think Tank, said: "As the price of oil rises, they (Russia) will continue to spend on arms production, which will also help make up for some budget deficits.Russia can definitely get benefits from it. "

Comment: The Pakistan conflict will bring huge changes to the Middle East

The Straits Times European Special officer Jonathaneyal commented that the conflict between Israel and Palestine's radical organization Hamas will be unknown, but this conflict has obviously destroyed Israel to themselvesMost of the assumptions of strategic status and regional status will bring great changes to the Middle East.

The article believes that Israel was caught off guard this time, and the degree of intelligence failure exceeded the 2001 US terrorist attack.Subsequent investigations and accountability will create a huge political storm, and the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu and the government he led may step down.

The article says that in the past half a century, Neganahu and his predecessor have always believed that the Palestinian issue can be marginalized. Israel can put the Palestinian circle in the small land that is allocated.Relations to obtain peace and stability.But this fatal conflict shows that only by facing and solving the Palestinian situation can the Middle East embarked on a more stable path.

However, Hamas's attack and massacre made many Israelis believe that they can never become a country with the Palestinians, but they cannot allow Palestine to become an independent country. Such a situation will only produce more political deadlocks and violence.