Bank of AmericanAlthough the recent activity data shows that the Chinese economy has shown a preliminary improvement, domestic consumers are still pessimistic.

The research report released by Bank of America analysts and economists in the research report on Wednesday (October 11) quoted the results of the investigation that the expected expectations of Chinese consumers worsening in the future income and believedThe proportion of people decreased from 29%in August to 26%.

The survey also found that only 31%of the respondents planned to increase spending in the next six months, less than 37%below two months ago.The deterioration of consumer confidence is in sharp contrast to the recent warmth of Chinese economic data.

The survey conducted by 1023 consumers from October 6th to 8Drag.

The survey results also show that consumers' views on the property market are even more dim.Nearly 40%of the respondents are expected to fall in the next year, which is significantly higher than 27%in August.Although local governments have launched various property market stimulus measures, the proportion of respondents who buy a house or improve the housing exchange plan in the next six months still has not changed much.