Hamas raid Israel last weekend, causing a large number of casualties.US President Biden said that he had seen a photo of Hamas militants beheading the child, and the White House immediately clarified and denied Biden's words.

Comprehensive American CNN and BBC reported that Bayeng said on Wednesday (October 11) in a round table meeting with the Jewish group leaders at the White House, "What happened is important. "He then said amazingly: "I have been in politics for a long time, and I never thought that I would see a picture of the child beheading the child." The news caused a stir after the exposure.

Reports on beheading photos have previously spread a lot in social media and some news reports, but have not been officially confirmed by Israel.

In response to Biden's words, the White House officials quickly clarified after the meeting, and emphasized that "the president Biden and the US government have not seen such photos", saying that Biden refers to the statement and related reports from Israeli officials and related reports.Essence

A spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister Neitahu said on Wednesday that in the villages of the villages in southern Israel, KFAR AZA found the beheaded bodies of infants and young children, and accused it of the Hamas militants to launch the massacre, and thenThere are a lot of reports and news.

But CNN cannot independently verify reports that Hamas also said that reports about children's killing are "false."