(Moscow Composite Electric) Turkish President Erdogan criticized the U.S. dispatching aircraft carrier strike group to support Israel, saying that the United States would cause a "massacre event" in the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan said on Tuesday (October 10) in a joint press conference held in the capital Ankara and Austrian Prime Minister Nehame, "What does the US aircraft carrier do in Israel? They will crack down on the Gaza and the surrounding areas, and adopt it.It may lead to the actions of the Holocaust. "

He also pointed out that the United States is funding the "terrorist organization" in the region.Turkey recently launched an air strike on the Syrian Kurdish militants supported by the United States, determining that the opponent was the culprit of the suicide explosion attack on October 1 on October 1.The United States shot down a Turkish drone as a response.

Erdogan also talked to the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres on the same day and the Russian President Putin discussed the issue of upgrading the situation with Pakistan and reiterated that Turkey was willing to mediate the conflict."I am talking with regional leaders and other countries to find out how to mediate and stop this war. Frankly, I am very worried. I think this conflict will not end within one or two weeks"

A senior member of the Palestinian radical organization said earlier that the organization had an open attitude towards a ceasefire negotiation.

Turkey has also criticized the practice of Israel to block the supply of hydropower supply of the Gaza Strip "inhumane" and call on all parties to maintain restraint.

Putin: The Pakistani conflict shows that the Middle East policy of the United States "fails"

Putin believes that a new round of Pakistani conflicts shows that the US Middle East policy has "failed".He also said that the United States tried to "monopolize" to create peaceful efforts in the Middle East and never cared for the compromise plan that both sides could accept, and did not consider the fundamental interests of the Palestinian people.

Putin emphasized that only on the basis of the "two countries' solutions", it is possible to resolve the crisis long and peacefully, and call for the conflict to minimize the damage to civilians.