Faced with the large -scale raid of Hamas, the Israeli political party in the face of the Palestinian radical organization, the Israeli party has achieved rare unity in recent years. Prime Minister Neyahu's ruling alliance and the main opposition party agreed to form an emergency joint government.

Reuters reports that the Likard Group, which belongs to Neitanahu, issued a statement on Tuesday (October 10) that after Hamas launched the attack, all the league leaders supported the establishment of an emergency joint government without exception and authorizedNeutanahu executes this.

The former Prime Minister Ripid and former Defense Minister Gandz agreed to join the emergency joint government in principle.Ganz and Neitanahu were planned to hold a meeting on Tuesday, and later postponed until Wednesday (11th).

The hostile party has always reached an agreement at this critical juncture, highlighting the severity of the crisis caused by the Hamas raid.

The most right -wing government in Israel's history plans to legislate deprivation of fierce differences caused by most of the power of the Supreme Court, disappearing due to an unprecedented scale attack launched by Hamas.Israeli Financial Minister Smomorich, from the Ru -right party and the Jewish settleer's relationship with the Jordan River, said on the social media platform: "Establish an emergency joint government now!"

Hamas launched an attack on October 7 a few hours laterLaipid issued a statement saying that he had informed Neutana that he was willing to put political differences aside and "jointly establishes a professional and limited emergency government to deal with the current difficulty and complex.The situation, as well as lasting battles. "