(Los Angeles Composite Electric) The US Department of Justice said on Tuesday (October 10) that a Chinese -American naval soldier pleaded guilty in court and acknowledged that she had received bribes of Chinese intelligence personnel many times to leak secret information.The court documents showed that the bribery involved in the case was nearly $ 15,000 (about S $ 20,000).

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Justice, the 26 -year -old naval officer Zhao Wenheng (transliteration) during the service at the Wensura County Navy Base in Northern Los Angeles, secretly collected the sensitive information of the US Navy, including a large -scale maritime exercise plan for the Pacific region.And the electrical map and design drawing of the Japanese Okinawa US military base radar system.

Zhao Wenheng acknowledged that from August 2021 to May 2023, he received 14 remittances from Chinese intelligence personnel.

U.S. Assistant Attorney General Olson said that the Chinese intelligence department actively locks on the US military personnel who have passed the security investigation and tried to pay for sensitive information.Pay the price now.

Zhao Wenheng was arrested on August 3, and he was admitted to the prison. The court will be pronounced on January 8 next year. He is facing a maximum 20 -year sentence.

On the same day of Zhao Wenheng's prosecution, the Federal Federal official arrested another naval soldier Wei Jinchao (transliteration) who sent another naval soldier in California.The information of amphibious attack ships includes documents, photos, and videos of ships and its system operations in detail.

On October 6, a former US Army Intelligence Officer Schmidt was accused of providing confidential defense information to the Chinese security department during the crown disease. He was arrested when he arrived in San Francisco International Airport from Hong Kong.