(Dallas Composite Electric) The global economy will be affected by the upgrade of Pakistani.Analysts believe that this may cause central banks in various countries to face the pressure of new inflation, combat market confidence, and add new risks in the global economic prospects.

Reuters' analysis reports pointed out that the impact of the Pakistani conflict may take a while to appear, which depends on how long this conflict will last, the degree of fierceness, and whether it spreads to other regions.

The general manager of the International Clearance Bank (BIS), Agustin Car:, said at the event of the American Commercial Economic Association that oil and stock markets may be impacted immediately, but now the impact on other aspects is still premature.

However, he pointed out that conflicts may have a series of unpredictable impacts on the continuous slowing global economy and the US market that is still adapting to the Federal Reserve's high interest rate policy.

Casteins, general manager of the International Clearance Bank, said that the Pakistani conflict may have a series of unpredictable impacts on the global economy.(Reuters)

Some economists believe that any economic uncertain factors may lead to delayed decision -making and increase risk premium.

Carl Tannenbaum, chief economist of the Northern Trust of the Investment Corporation, said that if the Pakistani conflict continues to upgrade, it will eventually affect the global oil supply. ThereforeIs there an abnormal evolution comparison?The question is, will this break long -term balance (Middle East)?

According to Reuters, whether the parties are concerned about whether the Baza conflict may lead to new inflation pressure, because the Middle East not only has major oil producers such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, but also the location of important global channels.If the conflict is becoming more and more intense, the response of the market and the main participants such as the market and Iran and Saudi Arabia will pay attention to the focus, because this is related to whether the oil price will soar again, and the next bond and stock market transactions will also reflect the market's conflict between the market conflict.What kind of predictions are follow -up.

Karim Basta, chief analyst of III Capital Management Company, said: This conflict brings risk of rising oil prices and also constitutes risks to inflation and growth prospects.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Annual Conference will be held in Morocco this week. The issue of global economy will be the focus of the meeting.IMF Director -General Georkiya has reminded that the IMF estimates that the recovery of the world economy is slow and uneven, and economic trends around the world will have a significant difference.The analysis pointed out that to some extent, the Pakistani conflict has exacerbated the market's concerns about global economic prospects.