(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Monday, it will be fully blocked in Gaza, so that this land will break the water from water.Israel has also carried out the largest -scale mobilization. In just 48 hours, 300,000 reserve soldiers were recruited. Next, it may launch an ground offensive on Gaza, a Gaza controlled by the Palestinian radical organization.

Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant said on Monday (October 9): I have ordered a comprehensive blockage of the Gaza Strip.Without electricity, food, water, and natural gas, everything was blocked.A spokesman for Israeli Energy Minister Cats said that Kart ordered to immediately cut off the water supply to Gasha.

Hergri, chief spokesman for the Israeli National Defense Force, said that the Israeli Army has re -controlled areas where Hamas militants have penetrated, but because there may still be fish that missed nets, we are searching and investigating all communities.Another military spokesman acknowledged that the time required to restore defense and security is longer than we expected.

In the past two days, Israel has mobilized 300,000 reserve soldiers. This is a sign of the army that may soon launch a ground offensive against the Gaza Strip.Reuters quoted some Palestinian reports that they received calls and voice text messages from Israeli security officials, asking them to leave the area mainly located in northern and east of Gaza, saying that the Israeli Army will act in these areas.

Israeli officials did not confirm whether they would launch an ground offensive against Gaza.Nei Tanahu's office said on Monday that Neitanahu visited the southern border town that was attacked by Harma on the same day that Israel's response to the attack will change the Middle East.

Evi said on Monday that they killed at least two gunmen who entered Israel from Lebanon that day and shelled in the border area of the southern Lebanon, which deepened the concerns of conflict that could expand.However, the Lebanon Trust has denied trying to penetrate Israel.

A new round of Pakistani conflict on Monday continued, and Gaza Health Department said that the conflict caused at least 560 local deaths and 2,900 injuries.Israel was killed by more than 800 people and 2,300 people were injured.In addition, dozens of foreigners from the United States, Britain, Cambodia, Canada, Germany, France and other countries have been killed, disappeared, or held in the conflict.

On Sundays, the United States warned other parties not to join the Baza conflict.U.S. Defense Minister Austin announced with the US President Bynden that day that he deployed the US Navy's most advanced Ford and accompanying warships to eastern Mediterranean and increased the number of local fighters to strengthen the deterrence of that area.

The U.S. government will also quickly provide additional arms and resources including ammunition, including ammunition.Austin emphasized that the United States' support for the Israeli National Defense Forces and the people of Israel is unswerving.

The White House said that Biden promised to support the Israeli government and the people from the Israeli government and the people to fight against Hamas terrorists before they called on the phone with the Israeli Prime Minister Neitana.The two also discuss how to ensure that Israel's enemies do not think they can or should use the current situation.

Hamas said that the United States deployed aircraft carriers to the East Mediterranean, which meant that it actually joined the aggression against our people.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency closed -door meeting on Sunday on Sunday. Most member states condemned Hamas's attack on Israel, but the meeting did not issue a joint statement or made a binding resolution.It is reported that some members of the Security Council led by Russia believe that instead of condemning Hamas, the Security Council should urge both parties to stop fighting immediately and start meaningful negotiations.

Both Israel and Palestine are not members of the Security Council and have not participated in the meeting.The Israeli ambassador to the United Nations Eldan accused Hamas accusing Hamas blatantly commit a war crime.The era of reasoning with these barbarians has passed.It is now to destroy Hamas terrorist infrastructure and completely eliminate it to ensure that such terrorist attacks no longer occur.

The Palestinian representative of the United Nations Mansur called on the Security Council to focus on ending Israel's occupation.He said: It's time to tell Israel that it must change the route. The road to peace exists. On this road, there will be no Palestinians and Israelis.