The central banks in the world in the world are on curbing crown disease and /A> The soaring price caused by increasing confidence, the fire in the Middle East may bring a new inflation trend, and also crack down on economic confidence.

Reuters reported that the Palestinian radical organization Hamas last Saturday (October 7) from the Gaza Strip pairing to Israel Launch the most violent rocket attack in decades , and also sent militants to attack Israel from sea, land and air simultaneously.Israel immediately launched a large -scale counterattack.The Israeli Prime Minister Negataru told the people of the country that this would be a "long and difficult war", but he said that the Israeli army "never stops" until the victory.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine for nearly 20 months has triggered global instability. Now war broke out in the Middle East, increasing the possibility of wider Middle East conflict.The impact of conflict in the Middle East may take a period of time to become clear, depending on how long the conflict lasted, how fierce the war, and whether it would spread to other parts of the Middle East.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is paying close attention to the development of the situation of Baza.However, the IMF spokesman said that the economic consequences brought by this conflict are "too early."

Castence, general manager of International Clearance Bank, also said in his speech at the National Economic Association (NABE) that the impact that may have may have "too early", although oil and stock markets may be immediately affected.

But this war may at least give a series of unpredictable factors that have slowed down the global economy, as well as the US market that is still adapting to the US Federal Reserve or extending high interest rates.

Tannan Bam, chief economist of Northern Trust Bank, said: "Any economic uncertainty will delay decision -making and increase risk premium, especially considering the area ... people are worried about the opening trend of the oil market." He said that the market will pay attention to the development of the situation.For the Middle East, which has gone through decades of instability, this conflict will evolve in different ways.

Tannan Bum said: "The problem is, will this cause long -term balance to lose balance?"