(Moscow Road Power) said Russia's Minister of Defense, Shi Yigu, said that the Russian army has not planned additional troops to Ukraine to fight, because 335,000 people have signed up for the army this year.

Russian TV stations played on Tuesday (October 3) showing that Shaygou told senior generals that the Russian armed forces "owned military personnel to perform special military operations" and "did not plan to recruit additional troops."

Shayga revealed that more than 335,000 people have joined the army in the form of contract soldiers or volunteers since the beginning of the year, and more than 50,000 people signed service contracts in September alone.These data show that the Russian military has made significant progress in recruiting recruits and absorbing Wagner's mercenaries.

Russia wielded the army to invade Ukraine in February last year, but in the past year, the war was rarely moved.Russia estimates that this will be a protracted war, ordered to increase troops and accelerate weapons production.

Russian President Putin announced in September Reserve personnel ,Hundreds of thousands of young people fled Russia because they were unwilling to go to the battlefield.Putin has repeatedly reiterated that there is no need to mobilize recruits again. Some Russian officials also said that it was wrong to issue a mobilization order, because this caused many young people to escape.

The future of the Russian War is unpredictable.The army successfully recovered from the Russian army last year, but this year's situation has changed.According to Harvard's Belffer's center, within a month as of September 26, the Russian army occupied 80 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory, while the Ukraine recovered 41 square kilometers of land loss from the Russian army.

Chairman of the U.S. Chief Staff Milly said in July this year.Because Russia has more than 200,000 soldiers in Ukraine.

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the United States has provided Ukraine with a total value of about $ 76 billion (about S $ 104.5 billion) for military, humanity and financial assistance.Putin is now looking forward to western countries fatigue.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said on Monday (2nd): "We have said many times before that according to our predictions, many countries, including the United States, will be more and more tired of funding Kiefu government, which will lead to leading toIts ruling group split and contradicts. "