(New York Composite Electric) Former US President Trump on Monday (October 2) for Civil lawsuit involved in property fraud was first tried in court.He did not speak in the court, but scolded the prosecutors and judges responsible for the case outside the court and social media, saying that the case was a "scam" for political motivation.

New York State Prosecutor James refers to the Father and Son of Trump and the Trump Group to exaggerate the asset valuation in order to obtain a favorable bank loan and reduce insurance premiums.Manhattan Judge Engorong previously ruled that the allegations were valid and set up the next date in the Manhattan court in New York.

During the first day of the trial, Trump wore a dark blue suit, a bright blue tie, and a US flag needle with the neckline.When the prosecutor's lawyer opened, Trump crossed his chest and stared at the judge Engoron.He occasionally talked to his lawyer.In the interrogation that lasted about five hours, Trump did not speak throughout the whole process, and only fiercely confront the defense lawyer and prosecutor lawyer.

Trump scolded the prosecutor and said that the judge should step down

Trump told the media before the trial began that the case was "scam" and for his political persecution.During the lunch break of the court, he scolded the prosecutor James as "corrupt and terrible people", and pointed out that the judge Engorong used the case to interfere with the 2024 presidential election, saying that "this judge should step down."

James and Engoron are Democrats. Trump is a popular candidate for the Republican party to run for the president. It is likely to confront the Democratic President Biden again.

James refers to the valuations of Trump exaggerated his top apartment in Trump Building, Haihu Manor in Florida, and many office buildings and golf clubs, and reported his net worth 2.2 billion US dollars.Prosecutor's lawyer Wallace said in court: "This is not a normal approach, not a mature business transaction method. This is not a crime without a victim."

Trump's lawyer Kis said that Trump's financial exchanges are completely legal."He gets rich with precise vision of real estate investment. He has no intention of fraud, and there is no violation of law, debt, default, dependence on banks, and improper benefits. There is no victim."

The court summoned the witness Ben's virtue who had long -term accounting services to Trump Group on the same day.Bennd provided that when he sorted out Trump's financial statements, he used the information provided by Trump and his business, and any modification must be approved by the Trump Group.

Prosecutors also played the testimony of Trump's former private lawyer Kon's testimony in court.Cohen said his job was "the number that Trump wanted."In this regard, Kis retorted that valuation is not an absolute value, and there is any objection to valuation, which does not mean that it is false.

It is expected that the trial of the case will last until December. During the period, there may be more than 150 witnesses summoned, and Trump may also appear in court.There is no jury in this case.

Judge Engoron has identified Trump, his two adult sons, Donald and Eric last week, and 10 companies under his name involving fraud.Operation permit.Trump scolded Engoron's "mental chaos" at the time.The trial will deal with other six allegations, including forgery of business records, insurance fraud, co -conspiracy, etc.; If the defendant is guilty, the court will judge the fine amount.

Prosecutors are preparing to request a fine for Trump at least 250 million US dollars, permanently prohibit Trump's father and son from operating enterprises in New York State, and in the next five years, Trump and Trump Group are prohibited from Trump and Trump Group in New York StateAcquired commercial real estate.

This is just one of many lawsuits facing Trump.Although this case is a civil lawsuit, it will not cause Trump to be imprisoned, but it may have a significant impact on his personal wealth and political future.Trump comes from the billionaires who are successful, and have the ability to manage the country like a business empire.This lawsuit may destroy the successful image he created and forces him to abandon the assets of Trump's Building, Wall Street Office Building, Golf Course, etc. in New York State.