(New York Composite Electric) Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov held a press conference after speaking at the UN General Assembly on Saturday (September 23), pointing out that the Western powers have been involved in the Russian and Ukraine War.Pope Fang Ji criticized some countries on the same day to play with Ukraine, which will lead to the martyrdom of the Ukraine people.

Lavrov pointed out that in addition to investing huge sums of money and weapons to support the Ukrainian military, the United States and Britain also provided intelligence support and military advisers to help.He said: "They (West) actually use the hands and bodies of Ukraine to fight directly with us."

Lavrov emphasized that Ukraine's territory cannot be returned to before the war.As for how to end the conflict, Lavrov said, "In the current situation, if they say that on the battlefield decision, then we decide on the battlefield."

Lavrov reiterated Russia's long -term claim that the West should be responsible for the war. He also stated that it was "unrealistic" that the United Nations would restore the Ukrainian grain export agreement and could not be implemented.

In the past few days, the United University has become a occasion for Russia, Ukraine and Western allies.Earlier, the Ukrainian President Zelezky severely condemned Russia's "sin" war at the meeting, and also demanded that the United Nations removal of Russia's veto power in the United Nations Security Council.

Pope criticized some of the aid countries in the United States

The attention caused by the war is more than that. Pope Francis rarely publicly criticized some countries on Saturday. Some countries are coming out. They first promise to provide weapons to Ukraine, and then want to regret it. This is playing with the people of Ukraine to make them martyrs.

Pope sent special envoys to Kiev, Moscow, Washington, and Beijing, respectively, hoping to end the war early, but return without success.After Fang Ji visited the French port city Marseille on Saturday, he said frankly when he answered questions on the way to answer questions on the way back to the journey that his diplomatic efforts had no results, and for this reason, he was "a little annoyed."

The Pope said that he noticed that people's attention to the Russian and Ukraine War was not just a problem of Russia and Ukraine, but was related to the sale of arms, and called on countries not to joke with Ukraine's life.

Pope persuaded: "We should not use the martyr's play to play with this nation. We must help them solve the problem ... I now see that some countries are retreating, unwilling to provide weapons (to Ukraine). This process isAt the beginning, the Ukrainian must be martyrdom, which is a very ugly act. "

Vatican spokesman Brone clarified to the media that the Pope did not show its position on whether countries should continue to provide weapons to Ukraine."This is a reflection on the consequences of the arms industry. Pope said that those who sell weapons never pay the price for what they do.Martyrs. "

Multi -nations are required to stop or reduce the aid of the aid in the face of internal pressure

At present, many countries, including the United States, are facing internal political pressure and demand to stop or reduce military assistance to Ukraine.

Zelei Sky on Thursday (21st) calling on the US Congress to continue to support Ukraine, but some Republicans have questioned whether Congress should continue to approve more aid military reserve.Since the outbreak of the war last February, the United States has provided Ukraine with more than $ 40 billion (about S $ 54.6 billion) for military aid.

Florida Governor, Governor of Florida, said in a radio program that he opposes Ukraine to join NATO because it does not meet the security interests of the United States."This will only add more obligations to us. What can we get in this way?"

De Santis reiterated in the show that unless Ukraine has a way to end the war, Ukraine should not be allowed to receive military aid unlimitedly.

Recently, in order to protect the interests of domestic farmers, Poland prohibits the import of Ukrainian grains, which has led to tight relations between the two countries.Polish Prime Minister Moravitzki said that he would no longer provide weapons for Ukraine on Wednesday (20th). Although the Polish government clarified the next day, it would complete the previously agreed weapon delivery as planned.