(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Bynden blame the Congress's budget on the "one small group of Republican extremes" and urges Republican members to take action immediately to avoid the federal government from stopping after the end of September 30th in fiscal year 2023.Essence

Bayeng Saturday (September 23) attended the Congress dinner that he and the Republican House Speaker McCarthy had reached an agreement on the government's expenditure level in May and reduced US $ 1 trillion (1.37 trillion yuan of S $ 1.37 trillion in the next 10 years.) While the budget deficit, it continues to provide the required funds for important domestic and national security matters.However, "now a small group of extreme Republicans does not want to perform the agreement, so all Americans may be forced to pay the price."

The US Congress budget voting often evolves into a confrontation between the republics and democracy. Both sides want to use the government's closing crisis to force each other to concessions.The fiscal year in 2023 will end on September 30. By then, if the US Congress will not pass any financial budget plan, the federal government will face closure.

Biden warns that the federal government's suspension will endanger plans for food safety, cancer research, and children's welfare.He emphasized: "Providing funds for the government is one of the most basic responsibilities of Congress. Republicans are time to start performing what American voters have selected them. Let us complete this.

If the federal government is closed, in addition to leading hundreds of thousands of civil servants to receive salary, it may also bring major political costs to Biden who is working on re -election.The White House advocates that any budget bill adopted by Congress should include US $ 24 billion military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.Although this was supported by the two -party senators, it was strongly opposed by some members.

In his speech, he described his 2024 campaign to depict the battle for political extremism represented by former President Trump.He said: "I hope I can say that the threat to American democracy has ended with our victory in 2020, but this is not the case. Don't bully ourselves, our democracy is still threatened."

The expenditure bill will discuss temporary funding through the House of Representatives

The US House of Representatives Rules Committee on Saturday with nine votes in favor and two votes against the voting results, approved the submission of four appropriations to the entire House of Representatives to debate.These four proposals include the 2024 fiscal year budget of the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Council and the Ministry of Land and Safety.


The House of Representatives Council has formulated rules for the debate of these bills, but it is not clear how many Republican members will vote for these regulations.The House of Representatives must first use relevant regulations to start debate.

The comprehensive expenditure bill of each fiscal year in the US Congress contains 12 appropriation bills, but no one has been passed by Congress, and it is only one week before the end of the fiscal year 2023.Therefore, Congress must first pass a temporary funding bill to maintain government institutions to continue the operation.

The mainstream Republicans have previously proposed a temporary measure to provide the government with 31 days of funds, but they were opposed by the opposition.According to Bloomberg, McCarthy's allies and members of the Republican reports that Republican members are drafting new temporary temporary measures for the government for 14 to 60 days of funds.

It is reported that the proposed measures will temporarily reduce domestic expenditure by 27%instead of 8%previously proposed.However, even if McCarthy can win the support of the hardships, this proposal is not very able to pass the Democratic Senate.At present, the Senate is also formulating a temporary bill to prevent the government from closing the door. The details may be announced as soon as Tuesday (26th).