(Washington Composite Electric) Dai Qi, a US trade representative, said that the United States is very careful about how to re -balance trade relations with China, hoping to complete the review of 301 tariffs on China this year.

After the United States launched the "Article 301" survey of China many years ago, it pointed out that China stole American intellectual property rights and forced American companies to transfer sensitive technologies.In 2018 and 2019, the Trump administration imposed tariffs on thousands of Chinese imported goods by about 370 billion US dollars (about $ 504.7 billion).

The US Trade Representative Division led by Daiqi began to review whether this series of "301 tariffs" one year ago.On Friday (September 22), when Dai Qi participated in the Cross -Great Atlantic Geographic Economic Forum through the video, Dai Qi was asked whether the review had decided.

She said that the review of the 301 tariff in China depends not only on whether these tariffs are necessary, but also depends on whether they are effective in protecting American workers and national economic interests."We are undergoing a large -scale cross -departmental review process ... ... Our goal is to hope to complete this work within this year."

Daiqi emphasized that, in view of the importance and complexity of Sino -US relations, the Bayeng government's management of the relationship between the two countries has adopted a very serious and serious attitude, especially how to balance bilateral economic and trade relations.In this regard, she hopes to meet with the new leaders of the Chinese government. The most important thing is to maintain communication between the two parties.

"I haven't had a chance to meet with the (China) new vice premier, but we have expressed the open attitude of desire to meet through all channels, and hope to continue to deepen our understanding, especially in the two economies of our economies.There are fields of friction and incompatibility between them. "

Dai Qi pointed out when attending a trade forum on the same day that the World Trade Organization will make progress in the implementation of reforms at the Ministerial Conference in February next year in order to have better tools to handle China's "non -market" approach.

She said that the United States is committed to reforming the WTO, focusing on achieving the basic goal of "openness, transparency and fair market competition".

The United States cannot exclude China outside the key mineral supply chain

On the other hand, Fernandez, deputy Secretary of State of the United States in charge of economic growth, energy and environment, said that although Washington strives to achieve the diversified sources of various materials from electric vehicle batteries to solar panels, the United States cannot exclude China in key mineralsOutside the supply chain.

He said at a briefing in New York on Friday that China's key position in the field of mineral raw materials means that Beijing will still be an important partner of the United States."We are actually very happy to cooperate with them (China) in this regard. At this stage, we still buy many mineral products from Chinese companies. Diversification is the key."

However, the chairman of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Council, McCord, advocated further restrictions on investing in China.

He said in an interview with Bloomberg News that in addition to the recent restrictions on President Biden, Congress must further tighten the restrictions on investment in US companies in China.He believes that through legislation, it is necessary to impose sanctions on individual Chinese companies and restrict relevant expenses at the industry level.