The Rules of the US House of Representatives has recently passed four funding bills with the results of the nine -Bi -2 voting to debate the entire House of Representatives.This is the last effort to prevent the government from being stopped after September 30.

Reuters reported that at the meeting of the Rules of the US House of Representatives at a meeting on Saturday (September 23), it rarely adopted this action to involve the four fourths of fiscal year funding for the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Council, and the Ministry of Land and Safety in the fiscal year of 2024 fiscal year.The item bill formulated the debate rules.

It is unclear whether there will be sufficient Republicans to vote in the House of Representatives to support these rules, but the House of Representatives must set the rules to discuss the funding bill.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy said that the House of Representatives may begin to promote the four proposals next Tuesday (26th) because he is seeking a bargaining chip with the Senate.He hopes that these bills can give him enough space to promote a short -term expenditure bill to allow federal agencies to operate normally until October 31.

It is reported that the Republicans of the House of Representatives have prepared four independent annual expenditure bills, but these bills will definitely be rejected by the Democratic Senate.So far, the House of Representatives has only passed one of the 12 funding bills of the fiscal year, and the Senate has not intended to discuss these bills.

The US government's funding will expire on September 30, but the Bayeng government's new budget has not yet been approved because some Republican members demand cuts the expenditure of 2024 to $ 1.47 trillion (about S $ 2 trillion), which is compared to Biden and McCarthy in May this year at debt limit protocol less than $ 120 billion.

As the Republicans of the Right -wing House of Representatives are preparing to prevent the existing financing plan from further extending, the US government cannot escape the fate of closing on October 1.In view of the huge differences between the two parties, the government's closure will last for many weeks, which will make the Federal Reserve's monetary policy conference held from October 31st to November 31st.