(Washington Composite Electric) In the tension of the three major nuclear military countries in the United States and Russia to the highest point in decades, satellite images exclusively obtained by the United States CNN show that Russia, the United States and ChinaIn recent years, new facilities have been built at the nuclear test site such as excavating new tunnels.Analysis believes that there may be new nuclear test competitions among great countries.

CNN reports that although there is no evidence to prove that the United States, Russia and China are preparing for new nuclear tests, the three countries are expanded to expand the nuclear test ground located in the Nevada Desert, the Arctic Ocean Islands and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Experts: Many signs indicate that China, Russia, and the United States may restore nuclear tests

Lewis, a nuclear non -diffusion expert at the Midelbury Institute of Midelbury, said that the satellite images of the past three to five years show that new tunnels, roads and storage facilities have appeared near the nuclear facilities of the Three Kingdoms.increased."We did see a lot of signs, indicating that China, Russia and the United States may resume nuclear tests."

Former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Analysts and Retired Air Force Laton checked similar conclusions after checking the satellite images of the Three Kingdoms's nuclear facilities. He said: "Obviously, Russia, China, and the United States not only invest a lot of time, energyWith money to achieve the modernization of nuclear arsenal, various preparations needed for nuclear tests. "Lewis said that China -Russia and the United States may trigger a modern competition of the nuclear test infrastructure.

Eight -core technology holding countries still refuse to sign a comprehensive ban on the nuclear test treaty

The UN General Assembly passed the comprehensive ban on the nuclear test treaty in 1996. So far, it has been approved by 170 countries.Egypt has made the treaty delayed.Last month, UN Secretary -General Guterres once again called on the Treaty of the relevant state for approval.

Since 1996, China, Russia and the United States have not conducted nuclear tests.Although Russia approved the treaty, Russian President Putin said in February this year that if the United States takes action first, he will order a nuclear test; Vice Chairman of the Russian Security Council and former President Medvedev are the eagle to support Putin.Once Ukraine's counterattack was successful, Russia "had to use nuclear weapons", which attracted attention.

Russia's nuclear test facilities have been built in a large scale in the past two or three years.(Lianhe Zaobao Drawing)

CNN's satellite images show that Russia's test facilities on the New Earth Ocean Island of the Arctic Ocean have been built on a large scale since 2021. There are always new ships and containers to reach the port. Moreover, the roads have remained unblocked in winter, and the tunnels are deeply penetrated into the tunnel.Arctic Mountains.

Russia has prepared to restore the nuclear test China or a new tunnel of the construction nuclear test site

Lewis said that the test facilities in Russia are now open throughout the year. "In the past five or six years, Russia is digging a new tunnel, indicating that they have prepared to restore the nuclear test."

Russia has no reports on CNN and inquiry.

China's nuclear test ground is excavating and expanding new tunnels.(Lianhe Zaobao Drawing)

China ’s activities in the Lop Nur nuclear test field in Xinjiang have also increased. Satellite images have shown that China has been excavating the fifth tunnel in recent years. It may also build a sixth tunnel and build a new path.

Lewis said that compared with the images taken in 2022 and this year, you can see that the abandoned soil pile there is higher and higher. I believe that the tunnel is being expanded.Moreover, in 2021 and 2022, a new storage area was built there, which can be used to store explosives.He said: "China's experimental field is different from Russia's experimental field. China's experimental field is very large, there are many different parts, and many activities are doing."

In response to this report, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China issued a statement that CNN has criticized CNN's hype of China's nuclear threat, which is very irresponsible.The statement said that since the suspension of the nuclear test in 1996, China has always adhered to this commitment and strived to maintain the international consensus of prohibiting the nuclear test.

The US nuclear facilities have been expanded in the past five or six years.(Lianhe Zaobao Drawing)

Mei showed that it would only use nuclear martial arts

The United States will publish a non -secret version of the nuclear situation assessment report every few years. A recent report released in October last year shows that Washington will only use nuclear weapons under the "extreme situation".However, the United States emphasizes that it will not keep "not using the policy first" because this will cause excessive and unbearable risks to national security.

According to the United Nations data, the United States conducted a total of 1032 underground nuclear tests from 1945 to 1992.Since 1992, the United States has stopped nuclear tests.

CNN's satellite image shows that the underground nuclear test site of the Nevada Desert was expanded from 2018 to 2023.

The National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) of the Ministry of Energy of the United States said that the test field was a test of "Subcritical".The so -called "secondary critical" test is to use a small explosion to simulate the nuclear explosion.

Inquiring about CNN's inquiry, a spokesman for NNSA confirmed that the Nevada nuclear test site was renovating facilities and improving scientific research capabilities to maintain the safety and efficiency of nuclear weapons while not underground nuclear test frying.