(Geneva Composite Electric) Tan Desai, Director -General of the World Health Organization, urged Beijing to provide more information about the origin of crown diseases, saying that they have been prepared. Once China is licensed, a second expert group will be sent to China for investigation.The source of coronary disease.

The international community has not been able to determine the origin of coronal virus.Tan Desai said in an interview with the Financial Times on Sunday (September 17): "WHO is putting pressure on China, and has sent a letter to China, asking BeijingThe question is urged Beijing to cooperate. "

The first traceability survey report two years ago was reported non -concluded and was highly criticized

Coronary virus was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubei, Hubei, China.There are two opposite theories for the origin of coronary diseases: accidentally leaked from the Wuhan laboratory that is studying such viruses, or from animals to humans from animals through the fresh food market in Wuhan.

In early 2021, experts led by WHO went to China to conduct a first traceability investigation, and later released a non -negative and highly criticized report.

Tan Desai said in an interview with the Financial Times that the scientific community has not yet reached a consensus on the origin of coronary virus, and he reiterated that all options are still "placed on the desktop."

"Unless we get evidence of excluding reasonable doubt, we cannot say or say that. We will get the answer. This is just a matter of time."

Tan Desai: This is a scientific issue that knows that the origin of the virus can prevent epidemic reproduction

Tan Desai also said that if you know the origin of coronal virus, it can prevent the next epidemic. This is a scientific issue.However, the crown disease epidemic was politicized at the beginning, which made the establishment of "global unity" to better manage the public health crisis.

The annual UN General Assembly was held in New York, USA. According to the plan, the heads of countries around the world will discuss the prevention of major epidemic diseases at this high -level meeting.